Party Monkey

New Member
Folks, I wonder if I could ask for a bit of help?

I'm very mindful that stolen LR's can be posted on LandyWatch and other forums and not necessarily on here, where there is the largest concentration of owners.

Details of these trucks do sometimes make their way naturally on to here but a lot of the time it requires somebody other than the OP to cross post the details over.

I try to keep a general eye out on a couple of forums and cross post details where I can and I know a few others keep an eye out on other forums too but could I ask for a few more folk from here that are also active on other forums, to also keep an eye out and cross post any details from other forums on to here if the OP doesn't do it.

Equally, if we get something posted on here that you don't see on LandyWatch or any other forum you frequent, then please cross post it if somebody hasn't already beaten you to it.

Speed is the key, so the sooner we spread the word, the greater the chance of us being able to help out.

Cheers :)
I think someone posts stuff from Landy watch on hear and off hear on the Landy watch.

Yep, more often than not it's me ;) It would just be great to have a few more folk covering it too, just so we get a better and quicker coverage across the forums.

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