Hi i an Richard know to some as (Bodger) as live and work in Africa you have to know how to fix thing bush ways.
I have a spine damage and in a wheel chair ( puss scout leader at 13st fishponds and RANET). On the 6th 11 at 0745H i was going to take my two children to school and my landy was not there just am empty hole. Phone the boy in blue but not a lot of interest! There semen to to be a lot of land rover going over night i been told there put on Lorry and out of UK in 24H to Poland and Romania? My one had Kumho MT KL71 tyre on a 1994 Discovery 200TDi in well kept up (new sills boot tray and wheel arches ) she is green reg K847EYW. can eny one help?
All I have now is a big hole in my life and a wheel chair.

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