
New Member
I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. The theft of Land drovers is a national crime trend. But in the SE they are going like hot cakes. Any model, any year, is game, they go any time day or night, though mostly during the hours of darkness. The thieves are persistent. If they set your alarm of they will wander of and come back 20 mins later. They will remove gates to get your car off your drive or farm. They come equipped with false plates which they will put on soon after hot wiring your defender (theyre not stealing ignition keys) and driving off. Once its out of the area it will be parked up for 48hrs. If it's got a tracker it will likely get recovered , if it's not then it's a safe bet they can drive it on. Am guessing some new ones are cloned or exported and the rest broken for parts. Very few get recovered.
Getting a tracking system won't prevent theft but increases the chance of finding it. Steering and pedal locks might not stop them, but it makes it more difficult and may make them look else where. Check your headlights, has the nearside one been tampered with to get to the wiring behind. So..what are they driving to get to your Land-rover? If you see a dodgy car cruising down your Rd, clock the number and tell the police, if your alarm goes of at night don't just go out and check it call the police... They will say they won't send anyone if nothing sus has been seen but you need to be firm and tell them it's part of a national crime trend. Where are the thieves selling all those parts? Where are the chassies being disposed of? Sadly car crime is not a priority for many forces so, and defenders are only a small proportion of stolen cars, so the police won't crack this by themselves, the more info you feed them the better.
Makes me so cross that the thieves mostly just get away with this. Such a shame there's not the Police manpower to deal with these gangs.

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