
Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals. A number of you and others have had there defenders stolen. This week in the US there has been a seizure of up to 180 stolen defender . There was 1 importer in North Carolina who was the main crook. Any way here is the warrant on seizure of the vehicles by our Customs people. On the warrant there are vin numbers. Check and see if your vin number shows as being yours. Contact the customs people and you might be able to get it back. Most of them are in very nice condition and sell for 50-60$ here. Or this might answer what happened to mine


And the pertinent information from the doc:



They should see the total warrant as to how they were caught and what they did.

Land Rover was a very big help
Hopefully that's in Linky in my post?

I started to screenshot all 19 pages, but it's time consuming on an iPad, so just went with the VINs instead.
Chr1s have you or other gotten to other landy sites in UK? or the stolen thing that Party monkey seems to be involved. I sure would like the UK connection named and shamed, along with getting arrested. Supposed to be major named Land rover rebuilders involved, allegedly
Chr1s have you or other gotten to other landy sites in UK? or the stolen thing that Party monkey seems to be involved. I sure would like the UK connection named and shamed, along with getting arrested. Supposed to be major named Land rover rebuilders involved, allegedly

I've been having a search around but haven't been able to find anything other than what was in the original forum thread that you posted. I plan to keep looking because whoever is involved deserves a good public shaming!

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