
New Member
****A friend of mine has just had his Green 110 stolen.****
It has a broken winch welded to a standard bumper with the cable wrapped around the bumper, a full roof rack with the ladder missing, new tyres and checker plate on the bonnet and wings.

If you get hold of the *&^%&*^*s that took it pin them under your wheels first (but do this very carefully as even criminals have rights:mad: and we dont want then to sue!) then call the police!!!

Joking aside, If anyone sees or has heard of this vehicle please call Lancashire police and contact me.
110 Found.
The police have now found his Landy up to it diffs in mud, burnt out!

Sorry to hear that. Where was it found?:(

Do you know what additional security he had fitted to it? We're trying to find what additional security items seem to deter theives best. Cheers.:)
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Not sure about the security but it was joy riders. They sat it on it's belly and had no idea how to move it so they torched it!
The police were having a bit of trouble arranging the recovery so he told them, as it was the last time he would be able to play with it, he would get it out!
3 90's and an f'ing great winch soon had it free.

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