
  • Taken on April 17th between 10am and 5pm
  • Taken from Pangbourne Station car park
  • 'Megsy'' (G316 TGF) is a soft-top military 110 V8 in Nato Green & Black DPM colours. Half a raised air intake on the offside wing (the other half is still in the workshop!) Orange IFF tags on n/s wing mirror, remains of antenna mounts on the wing
  • Being handled somewhat uninspiringly by British Transport Police, Reading. (Took 2 weeks to get them to look at the CCTV and they claim it doesn't show anything, even though theres no way in or out of the car park without showing up on the 2 cameras)!
  • I'm ashamed to say the clutch claw wasn't on, such was the ill advised confidence of parking under a cctv camera in broad day light!
Why don't the Police take an interest? It's more of a crime than being on the phone while driving, and they are red hot on that.
It makes me really cross. Almost as if they don't want to generate the paperwork
I'm really sorry I didn't get here quick enough for you Nigel, obviously coming to this forum should have been my first thought. You're absolutely right - not registering it on this, the world's only Land Rover website, absolutely suggests I didn't care about losing my vehicle and only means of getting to work. It's not like I was dealing with two police forces, CCTV, loss of earnings or reporting it on any other forums (it was on Landywatch the next day). I joined this forum when I started looking for a replacement vehicle and registered the theft as a courtesy to other local member. What a pointlessly stupid thing to say.

You're right about the police though Lightning - eventually raised a formal complaint against BTP with the help of Police in Newbury and forced them to review the case - at which point we discovered they hadn't checked the correct CCTV cameras or even tried to look into it for 13 days because the appointed officer was working nights and having a few rest days... That's when we discovered that the station cameras didn't work and aren't maintained...
Well, at least the delay didn't mean the evidence was missed. As CCTV footage is often not kept for two weeks anyway. Unless the Police are just telling you that.
I hope you get the Land Rover's proper value on your insurance.
That's terrible news! We're actually moving to this area over the next week or so (Compton) so I'll keep my eyes peeled. Obviously it may well be in the eastern block by now, but still....
Welcome to the area Farmeshort, you're just the other side of the Four Points from me in Ashampstead! Sadly it never showed up on ANPR, presumably as it left with different plates on, and neither the exit CCTV or the main mast camera were recording anything more useful than the clouds... Confirmed by First Great Western and their award winning 'SecurePark' team who presumably rely on vehicle thefts to tell them which cameras need repairing.

I'd hoped she might have been nicked by kids and abandoned - 1989 soft top wasn't the hardest thing to break into - but I reckon it's long gone by now, probably in pieces all over eBay. They did well to get t started, I'd broken the choke that morning! Insurance payout was actually ok based on what it was worth a few years ago, but who knew prices were going to go up as much as they have done?!
I'm really sorry I didn't get here quick enough for you Nigel, obviously coming to this forum should have been my first thought. You're absolutely right - not registering it on this, the world's only Land Rover website, absolutely suggests I didn't care about losing my vehicle and only means of getting to work. It's not like I was dealing with two police forces, CCTV, loss of earnings or reporting it on any other forums (it was on Landywatch the next day). I joined this forum when I started looking for a replacement vehicle and registered the theft as a courtesy to other local member. What a pointlessly stupid thing to say.

What I'm saying is that after a month either it's been broken for parts or it's out of the country, realistically nobody would remember what happened on a particular day at Pangbourne Station car park or any other car park for that matter. I'm really sorry for the loss of your landy and hope it turns up, but getting on your high horse won't help :)

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