
I'm not special I'm limited edition
I'm posting this on behalf of somebody else. I'll try and get a piccy up ASAP.

Please can you keep your eyes open for a Green 110 L33RPM, safari snorkel, Heavy duty steel wheels and Michelin chunky tyres.

Adjustable tow bar mud console, CB.

If anyone see's it or knows anything can you please pm me.


bet its in bits gone allready...

I don't think they're cutting them up, i think the stolen 90s are probably loaded up into a curtain sider or tilt and shipped off to Eastern Europe. there's a strong export trade for 300's and TDCi's to Eastern europe at the moment.
sorry to hear that and will keep eye out in wilts.but yep theres rumours of loads going abroad at the min
Mmmh! thats not that far away from the one stolen in Wokingham last month. Probably the same scummers. I won't be using mine to get to work any time soon then, Bracknell's in the middle of Ascot and Wokingham.

I hope it turns up, looks a nice one too.
I live in the area and have seen that one about from time to time in the high street but not in the last coupla days

I'll keep my eyes (and ears) out so hopefully I'll spot it again and inform the old bill.

Best of luck with it

No news on mine either, i lost two a couple of months back on the same night. Along with about three grands worth of tools and fencing gear that wasn't insured, (thanks for that, NFU).

The only lead i had on those was that one item that was in one of the land rovers turned up on ebay a few weeks later being sold by some pikey from Kettering, after a bit of badgering by me the police did show an interest, and once i'd shown them how to work ebay and set up a fake account for them to 'buy' the item they went and arrested the guy, sadly it didn't lead to the actual thieves.

Northamptonshire police told the guys on my force that went down there that they were having one landrover a week stolen, and they hadn't found a single one. On another occasion i spoke to a nice lady from Wiltshire police, who told me that land rover theft was at epidemic proportions and they had no leads what so ever as to catching the offenders. She reckoned three separate gangs were operating down there, one was stealing them and stripping them completely, one was stealing for specific parts t order then torching the remaining vehicle, and one were stealing the vehicles which were never found.

I'd say it stands to reason that someone is operating an efficient export operation, (there is likely at least one gang in the Midlands and one in the south west). there's a large number of vehicles going missing without trace, you'd think that such a number turning up in one place, where ever it is they go to, (probably eastern Europe, or maybe Africa), would be noticeable.

part of the problem is that the thieves operate across several counties, but the different police forces don't seem to talk to each other much, you'd think there would be some sort of national level investigation into this, (and plant and tractor theft, for that matter, which is probably connected). this isn't kids doing a bit of joyriding, it's serious organised crime.

Another point is that the people doing the exporting won't be the ones doing the thieving. they'll have druggies and petty burglars lined up to do the actual nicking. catching the thieves and giving them a good kicking won't solve the problem, there's plenty more where they came from. there'll also be people going round 'scouting' for motors to steal.
If a car does go in a container abroad the ships manifest should have the item listed in what container it's in surely

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