Had my defender stolen in March along with my spaniel, managed to get the dog back they chucked him out about thirty miles from home, these people have no thoughts for anyone or anything , you need to be extremely security aware and do everything practically possible to stop them , police were on the case pretty quick initially only to tell me afew days later that they had drawn a bit of a blank on it (that's actually what they said) even though it was spotted on camera within minutes of it been stolen along with the white transit van that the thieves came in , the last thing the police said was that it was probably now stripped down. So there isn't much help in getting them. Back once they have gone
These idiots are total scum, glad ya dogs ok, sadly this is all looked at as "petty crime" we know its not f**** petty to any of us :mil17:
Think I read this on a different forum when it happened. You caused me to buy a big pedal safe and now I never leave my dogs in my car even for seconds. Feel for you matey but on a plus you got your dog back. Must be tough. Hope you find your landy soon too!!!
Bastards, these are getting pretty close now too. Bloke near me had a brand new Lexus Nicked last year, took the keys right from his house. I keep mine next to me bed, they'll have a nasty surprise if they try and take mine!!!

Then again, you don't need keys to get a fender going...

I keep a pedal lock on mine but I'm sure most of the cheaper security devices are just to scare em off.

Very much hope you get it back.

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