
New Member
Our defender was stolen at 2am on Monday 08.03.21. It was towed away by an unknown vehicle. Our reg plate is WJ62 KGK. Stolen from WEST Pinchbeck Pe11 3qn near Spalding lincs. If anyone sees any parts or the vehicle itself call 07759 309095 thank you


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Our defender was stolen at 2am on Monday 08.03.21. It was towed away by an unknown vehicle. Our reg plate is WJ62 KGK. Stolen from WEST Pinchbeck Pe11 3qn near Spalding lincs. If anyone sees any parts or the vehicle itself call 07759 309095 thank you
You poor thing.:(:(:(
All my sympathy.
There is i believe a section of the forum for stolen vehicles.
Do hope you get a result and quickly.

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