
With fristration, anger, dissapointment and hope I regret to inform you guys of another theft.

My Grey defender 90 registration L145 BEL was stolen last night (03/04/14) from right outside our house in the S6 Wisewood area of Sheffield. This must have happened between half ten in the evening and seven in the morning.

It is grey with a black panel on the bottom of the drivers door, black wing chequer plate, black roof rack and ladder, and large black modulars, if also has a snorkel. Security wise it had window grills on the rear, steeling lock and hidden immobiliser. Nothing was heard during the night (we have a vocal dog) so my thinking is it's been put on a truck.

It was stolen about six months ago and I thankfully got it back - who knows this time.

Any help or sightings would be great.
With fristration, anger, dissapointment and hope I regret to inform you guys of another theft.

My Grey defender 90 registration L145 BEL was stolen last night (03/04/14) from right outside our house in the S6 Wisewood area of Sheffield. This must have happened between half ten in the evening and seven in the morning.

It is grey with a black panel on the bottom of the drivers door, black wing chequer plate, black roof rack and ladder, and large black modulars, if also has a snorkel. Security wise it had window grills on the rear, steeling lock and hidden immobiliser. Nothing was heard during the night (we have a vocal dog) so my thinking is it's been put on a truck.

It was stolen about six months ago and I thankfully got it back - who knows this time.

Any help or sightings would be great.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

What type of steering lock did it have fitted? Have you got any pis that you can put up?

Can you fill out the security poll on here and on landywatch to see what can be done to help others. Also post the theft on landywatch too.
Thanks for the replies.

Thankfully this time the police found it and I managed to get it back last night. Allbeit a bit wrecked inside (steering wheel, steering trim, dash a bit ripped apart, driver door a bit smashed in). At least it's back though. I've taken it to a secure garage untill I can get the parts in to fix her up.

It turns out that they broke in through the drivers door (I've got window guards fitted on the rear quarters) smashed the ignition barrel apart but couldn't start it (imobaliser). So they then let the handbrake off and towed it away to somewhere a bit further away so they could try and muck about getting her started. I guess they couldn't as she was just dumped in the road having never been fired up, bonet popped open and everything. So imobaliser saved my bacon.

The steering lock was a "stoplock" which transpires is completely useless and was found smashed up in back. Fit for the bin, I think a proper disclock will be in the post soon.

Just been talking to the shops accross the road and one of the lads that works there lives above it and says that he saw some lads mucking around with it during the night. It turns out the shop has CCTV as well - so hopefully I can get my hands on that to see if it's on there.

Chuffed to have her back though - that's twice now. I didn't expect it to be honest as so many others are not so lucky.
Thanks for the replies.

Thankfully this time the police found it and I managed to get it back last night. Allbeit a bit wrecked inside (steering wheel, steering trim, dash a bit ripped apart, driver door a bit smashed in). At least it's back though. I've taken it to a secure garage untill I can get the parts in to fix her up.

It turns out that they broke in through the drivers door (I've got window guards fitted on the rear quarters) smashed the ignition barrel apart but couldn't start it (imobaliser). So they then let the handbrake off and towed it away to somewhere a bit further away so they could try and muck about getting her started. I guess they couldn't as she was just dumped in the road having never been fired up, bonet popped open and everything. So imobaliser saved my bacon.

The steering lock was a "stoplock" which transpires is completely useless and was found smashed up in back. Fit for the bin, I think a proper disclock will be in the post soon.

Just been talking to the shops accross the road and one of the lads that works there lives above it and says that he saw some lads mucking around with it during the night. It turns out the shop has CCTV as well - so hopefully I can get my hands on that to see if it's on there.

Chuffed to have her back though - that's twice now. I didn't expect it to be honest as so many others are not so lucky.

Jammy git.

Try not to make a it a third time.

Stoplocks just take one sharpe blow with a hammer to remove:(
Great news

Nothing is invincible, but more security needed me thinks

Clutch Claw
Tracker (as cheap as £30 - search Amazon)
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i'll pm you something I do
edit... I wont you only have 10 posts

No problem - I understand. You don't know who goes on these forums! I'd rather be too cautious myself. If in the future you would like to share with me, I would be very grateful.

Aye, it looks like they just smashed the old lock with a hammer - straight off.

Are the pedal lock boxes any good? I'll be getting one of those too I think.
I always think that the x-eng pedal lock should be sold with the gear lever lock, as one without the other isn't that much use.
The x-end pedal locks don't let them roll it away as they depress the brake pedal down as you lock it shut. Another bonus of the lock..

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