Hi - am new to the site. Had my red Defender County 90 200TDI K461 WDH stolen from Liverpool airport car park Bank Holiday weekend 2010. Hooded individuals caught on CCTV lifting the yellow barrier to drive it underneath. Bright red, county stickers, 2 spot lights top rear, Alloys, tow bar, scratched paint where snorkel recently removed. 7 seats, 4 side facing in rear.
Remarkable condition for K reg. Gutted, can any one please help?
Have been offered a refund on my airport parking!!!
Take a discrete drive past any breakers, travelodge sites, scrappies in the area. You never know! If you find, 999!!!
You could have a case here. Ask for some kind of compensation or go to Liverpool's local paper. I can guarantee that they will be willing to write up a nice big article on this. Especially if you manage to obtain CCTV images from the airport. (they should be able to provide you with this)

It says a lot about the Defender though. They're just too easy to steal. Especially if thieves think they can take it from an area that has higher security than most! Although I'm sure this won't surprise many on here.
Are they so insecure so they don't immobilise in the sahara by accident, or have LR just made them so insecure out of laziness?
Are they so insecure so they don't immobilise in the sahara by accident, or have LR just made them so insecure out of laziness?

They are quite basic compared to modern vehicles. Despite being very capable at what they're built for, as we all know. They don't have sophisticated locks and they often lack other security features, such as immobilisers and alarms. They're worth a lot in parts, and that's why they're popular with thieves. I assume newer Defenders have improved in that respect though.

If I had an older Defender, I'd fit just about every deterrent known to man!
They are quite basic compared to modern vehicles. Despite being very capable at what they're built for, as we all know. They don't have sophisticated locks and they often lack other security features, such as immobilisers and alarms. They're worth a lot in parts, and that's why they're popular with thieves. I assume newer Defenders have improved in that respect though.

If I had an older Defender, I'd fit just about every deterrent known to man!

Trust me, they haven't. 57 plate recovered in Northants recently, lovely tdci 90, all messed up by some TGBs.

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