
Another stolen LR! The bastards are certainly being busy.
This is Blue 90 county station wagon with patriot roof rack registration starts E141. Stolen 9/1/10 at 3am police did chase it but went off road and they couldnt follow!!
Unique feature is that it has bright purple wheel hubs!!
Just adding it to the list! ho hum:-(
Another stolen LR! The bastards are certainly being busy.
This is Blue 90 county station wagon with patriot roof rack registration starts E141. Stolen 9/1/10 at 3am police did chase it but went off road and they couldnt follow!!
Unique feature is that it has bright purple wheel hubs!!
Just adding it to the list! ho hum:-(

Coonts, pity the copter was too bust entertaining a film crew for Dave all day!!

Sounds like a pretty hard car to moss!!!
we had a 90 stolen off our forecourt newyears day! wimborne dorset. it was taken at night time. it is ablue hard top p reg,in really good condition!! REG IS P416SUM just in case anyone sees it.
Security, security, and more security people...
I know it won't stop them all but it will make them think twice...
Another stolen LR! The bastards are certainly being busy.
This is Blue 90 county station wagon with patriot roof rack registration starts E141. Stolen 9/1/10 at 3am police did chase it but went off road and they couldnt follow!!
Unique feature is that it has bright purple wheel hubs!!
Just adding it to the list! ho hum:-(


Please see the post Ive made today in the 'XXX STOLEN 90 DEFENDER 30TH DECEMBER SHEFFIELD xx thread.

The same applies to you, I shall keep a look out for your Defender.

Do you have any photos you could post on here, they would be very useful.

Good luck
It is actually my landrover that was stolen from Totley Sheffield. have posted a pic.
Thanks Andrew for posting on here ( I have just discovered this site!)
The guys who nicked it off our drive ( knocking down the security post on the end of the drive) actually came to ours in a vitara. A police patrol car saw it speeding away in snowy conditions just before 3am and gave chase as best as they could. They lost the vitara on Lowedges as they drove over grass verges.
Another patrol car was cruising the area around Norton who saw our landrover (presumably waiting for the vitara to re group) They went to have a word with the man in our landrover who then drove off at speed. The police managed to keep up for all of 200 yards or so but due to the snow...... Thats the last of it.
We have them on cctv but no id can be made. They werent in a rush to nick it took around 20 min so they either were doing a tidy job or hadnt a clue what they were doing ( we say this because the driver couldnt/didnt know how to unlock the passenger door to let another bloke in. - it aint rocket science that bit.)
Anyway the photo shows our purple modular wheels. There is also the patriot roof rack and the tree sliders have chequerplate foot treads.
It is actually my landrover that was stolen from Totley Sheffield. have posted a pic.
Thanks Andrew for posting on here ( I have just discovered this site!)
The guys who nicked it off our drive ( knocking down the security post on the end of the drive) actually came to ours in a vitara. A police patrol car saw it speeding away in snowy conditions just before 3am and gave chase as best as they could. They lost the vitara on Lowedges as they drove over grass verges.
Another patrol car was cruising the area around Norton who saw our landrover (presumably waiting for the vitara to re group) They went to have a word with the man in our landrover who then drove off at speed. The police managed to keep up for all of 200 yards or so but due to the snow...... Thats the last of it.
We have them on cctv but no id can be made. They werent in a rush to nick it took around 20 min so they either were doing a tidy job or hadnt a clue what they were doing ( we say this because the driver couldnt/didnt know how to unlock the passenger door to let another bloke in. - it aint rocket science that bit.)
Anyway the photo shows our purple modular wheels. There is also the patriot roof rack and the tree sliders have chequerplate foot treads.

:welcome: to LZ Mark... although its a shame you had to join for sad circumstances. Hope you enjoy yourself here tho. :D
I live frighteningly close to the areas you have mentioned, but I wil keep an eye out for it.

Incidentally, I was about to buy a security post for my drive. In view of whats happened to you, I take it they arent really worth having?
Sit the post on a mine! you may lose the landrover as they drive over to knock it down but at least the b*stards wont get it either!
Just to update you. Our landrover is still missing now presumed in bits.
BUT we did have a glimmer of hope on Friday. The police found the Vitara (that they used to come to ours to nick landy in) on friday. Suprise suprise they did a fail to stop again and got chased. They left the vehicle and were later found in a house. They were arrested but 'no commented' their way through the interview. as there was no hard evidence linking them to driving the stolen vitara/ nicking our landrover they are now back out having spent (we hope) an very uncomfortable night in the cells.
We got the impression that they werent known for nicking landrovers but they are now and police now have an 'eye' on them. (We can only hope.)
They are just scum arent they.

I guess that they will just see a night in the cells as an occupational hazard, and all part of their adventure. They will know that the cops havent got any actual evidence against them, just circumstantial evidence.

Extremely frustrating for everyone (except the theives).

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