
New Member
Hello, 9 pm Friday 9th November 2012 my Defender td5 90 was stolen from out side my house near Chelmsford (Essex).

It was an ex royal navy, in blue with a white roof, despite being a TD5 it had a tdi dash board but td5 instrument panel. Had A bar spotslights, and a replacement crossmember. several roundish dents in a diagonal line alone bottom of the back door. see picture

It was parked outside my front door, heard it start and drive off, too quick for me. No security fitted, clutch claw and disklock usually fitted but only just in from shops.... they were ready! second one taken, (tdi truck cab taken in Jan 11 from nearly the exact same spot) :(
Hello, 9 pm Friday 9th November 2012 my Defender td5 90 was stolen from out side my house near Chelmsford (Essex).

No security fitted, clutch claw and disklock usually fitted but only just in from shops.... they were ready! second one taken, (tdi truck cab taken in Jan 11 from nearly the exact same spot) :(

sorry to hear your loss and hopefully this will educate others.... mine is in a secure remote gated video'd car park.... still never leave without full metal jacket pedal lock, steering lock and two immobilising switches.... even for 5 minutes.... you can never stop em but u can at least slow them or make ones like yours an easier option

hope u get it back or that your insurance aren't too hard on ya

cheers steve

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