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Hi, Series 3 safari 109. 5 brg petrol engine, new rad (4 core) new water pump and new thermostat. It still gets into the red after 3 miles driving. No Water loss, any ideas why?
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Hi, Series 3 safari 109. 5 brg petrol engine, new rad (4 core) new water pump and new thermostat. It still gets into the red after 3 miles driving. No Water loss, any ideas why?

do you mean your bank balance, from filling up every 2 miles? :D

sure no air in it? could be faulty gauge or a bad earth on the gauge.
I monitor the temperature of the heating air coming in to the car. Normally if it's running hot, the heat coming into the cabin will be hot enough for you to make your hand uncomfortable if held there for a few seconds.
Normal running temp, you can keep your hand in the air flow for quite a while before becoming uncomfortable.

If your fuel gauge and temp gauge read too high then it's more likely to be the voltage stabiliser.
Air in the system? i recently changed my water pump and after topping up the coolant afterwards it went into the red within 3k of home, turned round went home and bled the system twice whilst the engine was running and the heater over to hot and blowing it made a huge difference and now she runs fine.

My money is on an airlock somewhere bleed it again and again and again

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