
New Member
Sooo, I decided to start on the 'list of many things that will no doubt cause skinned knuckles and vulgar language' on my first defender i got a week ago.

My steering is heavy (as it is the first defender i have had i am not sure how heavy it is meant to be, my fluid level is perfect and the belt turns along with the pulley, the UJs look a tad rusty (this is on my list of things to do along with the servo!) its fine when moving (although there is a big dead spot so it tends to weave from side to side a tad, but when maneuvring slowly its like turning the wheel on a new car with the engine not running.

Currently reading the steering box adjusting post, any thoughts?


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Sooo, I decided to start on the 'list of many things that will no doubt cause skinned knuckles and vulgar language' on my first defender i got a week ago.

My steering is heavy (as it is the first defender i have had i am not sure how heavy it is meant to be, my fluid level is perfect and the belt turns along with the pulley, the UJs look a tad rusty (this is on my list of things to do along with the servo!) its fine when moving (although there is a big dead spot so it tends to weave from side to side a tad, but when maneuvring slowly its like turning the wheel on a new car with the engine not running.

Currently reading the steering box adjusting post, any thoughts?

As you don't know when it was serviced last. make a list of fluids to change along with the usual suspects of engine oil, coolant, trans and diff oils do the brake/clutch and steering fluids too ...
Before messing with the steering box do as @Dippypud notes above. Those steering shaft UJ's look rough and it is likely other joints in the system not good. Also check that steering rods are straight and not binding with anything.
From Your pic looks like much work needed to sort this one.
With the motor running open the cap of the fluid reservoir and it should be easy to see if the fluid is moving. I think it is like a kettle boiling type of movement you looking for

Then maybe disconnect the one side of the steering damper and see if it isn't seized
Seriously you need to change the column ujs, don't buy the very cheapest though. When you fit them grease them up and a drop of oil every now and again.
It's almost impossible to turn the steering on a modern car with the engine off.
Thanks for the replies folks :)

I have my filters/oil the whole lot here ready to do.
To be honest that part is worst than most, the underside is solid and dry, the only leak is a small one on the transfer case (from the pan gasket) that i have here to change when i do the oils.

Is there a recommended brand for the column? with the state of that bit i may jsut do the whole lot

There were some genuine ones on Ebay last week for less than £20, might still be there. If I remember correctly there are different top and bottom.
I would try and salvage the centre column section.
We fitted Bearmach oem 9 years ago and are OK.
Transfer box leak may well be the intermediate shaft front seal, very common. It is possible to change it without removing the transfer box completely, should be some videos on YouTube.
Out of interest, what happened at VA133509? Mines VA123 something and it looks like i have to get the UJs seperate.

The ujs are separate, the section between isn't cheap so reuse if possible. On the later defender they changed to a longer 1 piece section.
I am not 100% if you can change to the later shaft or not or even if its of any benefit.
Edit. I didn't realise the lower uj changed or what the change is. It's possible that Land Rover changed the part number for the sake of it, they have a habit of doing that.
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The ujs are separate, the section between isn't cheap so reuse if possible. On the later defender they changed to a longer 1 piece section.
I am not 100% if you can change to the later shaft or not or even if its of any benefit.
Edit. I didn't realise the lower uj changed or what the change is. It's possible that Land Rover changed the part number for the sake of it, they have a habit of doing that.
If you use the 2 piece shaft the ujs are 2 diffent lengths. And you have to put on in correct place otherwise feels like the steering catches.
Later style both ujs same length.
All as clear as mud as per usual with land rover.
Yours looks to be the early one to me.
That is an early arm. Pros for the old part is you can slide these apart making changing the iUJs easier.
New style no play in length. & the rubber shock disk if it goes it’s a new arm.
I used to keep up on parts but now the brain cell has gave up
That is an early arm. Pros for the old part is you can slide these apart making changing the iUJs easier.
New style no play in length. & the rubber shock disk if it goes it’s a new arm.
I used to keep up on parts but now the brain cell has gave up
Might be hard work getting them to slide on the column on the OPs photo

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