
Probably been mentioned before but, when driving along at anything over 40mph and I go over a bump/pothole, the steering wobbles badly! At motorway speeds, its truly scary! Checked underneath and nothing seems loose or overly worn, so I'm thinking a new steering damper?
i had the same problem, changed the uj's on the front propshaft and this improved it a bit, then my steering box started leaking like a sieve so changed it for a recon one and that completely cured the wobble.
It was a combo of panhard bush, swivel pin preload and ball joints for me. The first thing I did was replace the steering damper. :D
Steering damper, wheel bearings, swivel bearings, panard rod bushes, radius arm bushes both ends, ujs, wheel or tyre buckled or out of shape. The list is truly endless I've changed all at some point and right now I'm wobble free but I know it's going to come back at some point. It's just a case of working your way through the list and it will eventually go, for a while at least.
Probably been mentioned before but, when driving along at anything over 40mph and I go over a bump/pothole, the steering wobbles badly! At motorway speeds, its truly scary! Checked underneath and nothing seems loose or overly worn, so I'm thinking a new steering damper?
Sounds like swivels to me. Panhard rod is always worth a check too, easy check. Get someone to wobble the steering while you lie under and feel the joints and bushes!
Thanks for the replies chaps, replaced the steering damper which has calmed it down a little for now. Think i will have to work my way thru everything as its probably all worn out by now anyway, just have to add it to the ever expanding, never ending list of things to do :)
I shouldn't wobble even without a steering damper.

If nothing is obviously wrong when you look at it if try adjusting the free bits first and then make your way through the above lists in ascending order of cost.

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