
Well-Known Member

noe that I seem to have the girl working again, and I now have a list of jobs to get through. and one of those is to look at the steering wheel.

She’s a ‘98 P38 Autobiography and the leather and walnut steering wheel is in need of a bit of love, the leather is ripped and manly and could do with repairing of re-upholstering the walnut veneer has gone a bit ‘crackly’ but isn’t too bad.

this is one thats definitely out of my skill set so I wondered whether any of you fine folk might be able to recommend a someone who could give it a new lease of live without breaking the bank !

Thanks again

I might get away with that, mine had a cream and ox-blood interior and the steering wheel is ox-blood and walnut -but cream might do.

It feels a bit of a cheat just to replace it wholesale but, you’re likely right snd that having it re-trimmed won’t likely be a whole lot cheaper than £300 !
There is a chap on p38 Bookface page that does it. Paul Bennett is the chap IIRC who does steering wheel refurbs, send yer wheel off to him.

Does a very good job anorl!
I have not seen a p38 with cream an ox blood interior that sounds quite nice, it must be an autobiography or special edition
your old wheel is probably worth £120+ to sell so halves the price, if the guy on bookface cant help.
I have not seen a p38 with cream an ox blood interior that sounds quite nice, it must be an autobiography or special edition
your old wheel is probably worth £120+ to sell so halves the price, if the guy on bookface cant help.

it is quite nice, if in need of some TLC, it’s badged as an autobiography and the V5 says ‘limited edition’. Its fun as I’m starting to learn my way around and it’s various foibles. My biggest headache at the moment is damp / condensation (which is partly why the wheel is in such bad nick !)
Have a look under the front carpets the sound deadening stuff holds a lot of water and the carpet can seam dry, sun roof drains, pollen filters and scuttle drains blocked are most lightly the culprits.
Have a look under the front carpets the sound deadening stuff holds a lot of water and the carpet can seam dry, sun roof drains, pollen filters and scuttle drains blocked are most lightly the culprits.
Thanks. Will have a good look, need to give her a good clean too, the carpets could use a decent hoovering !
Great ! Yes I got a bit of a soaking from up top today. Is there anything in particular I should look out for ?
droplets from the inside of the sunroof glass is the first clue, the front corners of the headliner getting wet is another clue!

The pollen filter covers are the most common though, also put a dollop of sealant of the screw heads along the scuttle as water can wick down them! ;)

scuttle drains too!

you have to pull the scuttle off for that though! ;)
droplets from the inside of the sunroof glass is the first clue, the front corners of the headliner getting wet is another clue!

The pollen filter covers are the most common though, also put a dollop of sealant of the screw heads along the scuttle as water can wick down them! ;)

scuttle drains too!

you have to pull the scuttle off for that though! ;)
Yeah, I had a lot of moisture in the sunroof —but I put that down to condensation -I guess I should open it up
And have a good poke the pollen filter the bit that can leak into the drivers footwell ? (As that is definitely happening) -and it’s the cover you say ?

skuttle drains -should I be checking for blockages ?
Thanks for your help -I know we’ve veered wildly off-topic but it’s somethjng in red to get on to
Before it causes further issues
Pollen filters


Scuttle drains


Sunroof coming apart, the seal usually starts to bulge where the rust is forcing the frame apart..



I removed the rear most part of the seal and scraped the rust out and silicon ed the gap, and then tapped the seal on and clamped it ;)


So remove cover, add foam, replace cover ?
Or do I need to remove the whole assembly ?

thsnks again


For covers yes remove cover put stick the foam round the opening were the cover goes replace cover,
but there are others places that can leak that need looking at i believe there are screws that hold the pollen housing down through the bulk head that need sealing but i have not had to go down that far yet
others will tell you.

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