
New Member
wanted to renew my top steering uj but it looks different to the ones advertised at paddocks and the like.

anyone seen a uj like this one. if so where can i buy one.


  • DSCF1040.JPG
    80.7 KB · Views: 160
yea...they must be interchangable cos both are advertised for the same dependers.

tar buster
Errrrrrrmmmmmmm! Yer welcome Ah think:confused: :confused:
Ah was only saying that there was no piccies to look at to compare except the two boxes with an X in them.
But if they're both advertised for the same deependers, weeeelllllll...;) :D :D :D :D
ok god deiger de i ah

this is what ive got see:(

this is what i want to put in

can u see'm?

am i gettin it?


  • 81_1_b.jpg
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  • f014_2.jpg
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The fost pic looks like a prosthetic leg I once made fer a mate of mine, the second looks like my steering column, but don't try to put two in.

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