
New Member
Hi all.

I'm new to the forum but could really do with some advice. I have a 110 and when start it up and drive off, the steering is really heavy (a real struggle to move the wheel), but after about 30-40 yards it goes light again. However, just occasionally when I have been driving a while and take a corner, it does stiffen up slightly again.

It's something I've been living with although I didn't know if it was a normal thing for land rovers to do. I have checked the power steering fluid level and the tyre pressures (not exactly sure what they should normally be for normal road use - everyone seems to give me different advice. I'm using 28 on the front and 48 on the back?!?)

Also on occasions, driving at normal speeds on the road, it does sway from side to side so much that I have to slow right down to regain full control.

By the way, I'm not that technically minded, so humour me.

Thanks for reading,:(

I had a similar problem on my last landy, never did get round to fixing it. I think it is the valves sticking in the power steering box, I could be wrong. It could possibly be the power steering pump. A new steering box might be the answer.

I never had any problems with it swaying side to side, this is dangerous and I would not drive it until it was sorted out. Check the steering damper, shock absorbers and all the suspension bushes. The steering problem shouldn't cause swaying unless it is making it difficult to steer smoothly and it starts a wobble.

The tyre pressures you are using seem fine to me. You could go a bit lower at the rear if you have no weight in the back. I use 30 front and 35 or 40 rear.

Hope this is useful,

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