Collar Fitted.jpg
Hi all
I am posting this in the defender section as that is what I have but it would probably be appropriate to Disco and Series as well. Thought I would share this as it may be of use to others.
Rewind back to this time last year when I was prepping for the MOT and fitted a new Ball Joint Assembly to the Steering Drop Arm, all went well until I went to fit the rubber gaiter and realised that the flange on the casting that the gaiter locates on had worn away (not at all unusual by all accounts). anyway time was short so managed to get a small cable tie round it and passed the MOT.
Periodically since then however the gaiter has worked its way off the casting and has been pushed back on and held in place with a variety of ties / wires etc only to come back off again soon after.
Forward now to this years MOT prep and decided I needed to do something about the situation. Original thoughts were that the Steering Drop Arm would need to be replaced but several minuses to this plan. Cost, Pain in the Backside to get it off, time etc.
The solution? Replace the Location Flange
How? Made up the item shown on the pictures having measured the diameter that was left on the casting and allowed about 0.2mm to 0.3 mm interference to allow it to be pressed / tapped into position
The outcome? The rubber gaiter now locates securely over the new flange and is wires in place with locking wire
Thought I would share this with others because it changed fairly major issue into a simple quick fix.


  • Collar Flanged.pdf
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When mine went I just replaced the lot with the Disco conversion. No more ball joint to worry about.
Quite a neat bit of turning. I just filed a new groove into the existing flange and used twisted wire. So far so good. Like the thought of the Disco conversion, but working outside without ramps means getting the old arm off would be a PITA.
Hi Zeaphod
I did think about filing a deeper groove in the casting but I didn't feel completely happy about removing metal from the top of the ball joint in case it weakened it. might be ok but decided not to take the risk.
Fully agree about the PITA of removing the arm though and I have to work on the ground as well

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