
I have had a few problems this winter getting started. Typically it has got to the point that you turn the ignition and get the classic click click click of a flat battery. Sure enough, charge the battery and it fires up. It has been a cold winter... and I have learnt this year that I need to replace the battery before next year.

The last couple of weeks though this has changed. I went to drive him Saturday and turned the key, left it for the glow plugs and then fired the ignition. This time the starter sounded like it turned, very slowly... left the key to the ignition point and the starter went again... about 10-15 seconds of this and the starter constantly increasing in speed the engine eventually fired into life with a roar. If I then stop and restart it fires straight away...

Does this sound like the battery is struggling to supply enough juice, with the first bit of power it has going to the glow plugs and then eventually building up enough current to fire the starter? Or do you think I should be looking somewhere else?
Simple get the battery tested would help first. When did you last replace it and is it still under warranty. There can be a few things to check as a battery can drain a little due to weather being colder. Some advice putting insulation shroud in the battery tray area also earthing points can effect if badly worn. A heavy battery can take alot of punishment and should start with no issue from glow plugs.
Thanks - no idea when the battery was last replaced - it's a platinum 642X so a fairly beefy battery, but there are a lot of bits running off it - heated seats, spots, subwoofer etc - so I summise it does take a bit of punishment. I am tending towards it being the battery if only because it has been totally flat a few times this winter. I keep meaning to test it, but just haven't got round to it - I fitted a Voltage gauge which tells me its just below 14 when the engine is up and running.

Looking at the spec sheet for that battery it only has a 2 year warranty, rather than the 5 years that you get with brands like Bosch etc - and the car has done very few miles in the past 3-4 years so I doubt it has had too much cycling.

How do you mean by insulation shroud - do you have a pic?

Also, check the wiring to the starter solenoid where the power cables all meet, make sure all ring tabs are clean and the nut is tight. Make sure to disconnect the battery first though! Mine was a right state when I got it, corroded tabs and a loose nut, but oddly started ok with a freshly charged battery. Starts first time every time now though.

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