
New Member
My disco 1997 300 tdi ES Auto bag o **** with bag o **** edc

turns over for ages b 4 it fires then is very lumpy for about 10 to 15 seconds then settles down and runs nice and smooth no lack of power and runs fine.

Switch it off and start back up str8 away and she starts and runs brilliant.

leave her for 5 or 10 mins and have the same problem as when she is cold

when she does fire up she chucks out plenty of white smoke as if she's not fueling properly.

things I have done so far

1. changed all glow plugs and check power ok and all working properly
2. changed fuel spill return pipes
3. changed filter
4. checked all injectors seated properly and all connections tight
5. Clean out sedimentor

can n e one think of n e thing else this may be. some one has suggested the inj. pump is knackered but once she's running she runs perfect.

must admit this is more of an annoying fault than owt else but want to fix it cos it knocks stuffing out battery every time i have to start her and as weather getting colder and colder i can see it comming where she tells me to fook off.

n e help / pointers appreciated

or should I just scrap the bitch and buy another
Check those glow plugs again-take em out and check each one glows red hot across the battery,within a few seconds-other wise I would look for air in the fuel system-also check you do not have a vacuum in the fuel tank,sucking the fuel back(blocked breather pipe)-It should fire up within one or two turns
Try changing the lift pump first, it's a lot cheaper than the injector pump !
Check that you can prime the fuel filter ok with it, inability to get it to manually pump can indicate it's knackered.
The injector pump will still pull fuel through even if the lift pump is on its way out.

What fuel are you using ?
Are you using a veggie mix? if so, it sounds like it could be too high a percentage of oil to diesel.

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