
New Member
My Freelander was on a hill facing down and would not start, it was turning over properly but no fire! I bumped it in 2nd and it fired no issues.
This is the first time anything has gone wrong with it. Any ideas please.
It's an 02 TD4.
ive no idea why thats the first time its ever gone wrong......they usually go wrong on a daily basis from take it back and demand a 'wrong un!'
Interesting reply but: Any ideas on what to look at first, pump, relay, rail or could it be an air lock from the tank!
Strange problem. How steep was the hill and how much fuel in your tank??

It is possible that if not that much fuel in then your in tank pump would not pull the fuel through - no fuel pressure no fire!
Good one, you have a valid point, it was a very steep hill, I drove up with half a tank and on stopping at the top immediately reversed back, came half way down the hill and stopped. 5 mins later, no start.
Well it was only a thought on what the problem may have been......

If its been ok since i'm sure there is nothing to worry about :)

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