nick overington

New Member
hay peeps got a problem starting my td5 1999 discovery 2
turning the key i get a click from the starter moter but no liftoff if i turn the key sevaroll times it finally starts im gessing maybe the starter moter is on the way out but i dont want to spend out on a new one untill im absolutly sure there rather expencive no what i mean

regards to you alllllllllll:rolleyes:
first orf check yer battery is ok. then check all connections , den check yer solinoid by shorting out the two big terminals on it with a big screwdriver.
yeah do that too, i was including the earth strap in the conections, i should have done it seperate
ah! know you wasn't .i actually thought about it after i posted the first post. i nearly changed it! then i said "bollocks to it" and i left it as it was.
Mine had a similar problem last summer, either working fine or nothing at all, not even a click from the starter (and of course always when my wife was driving) After checking and double checking all the connections it kept doing it every now and then, so I wired up a test light to come on when power was being sent to the solenoid, the theory being that if the light comes on when the problem shows itself, power must be getting to the solenoid and sure enough it was.

I fitted a replacement starter motor and all has been well since.

I did phone up the main dealer to get a price of a new one and was told by the parts guy that its a common fault. in the end I bought one off a parts supplier on ebay.
yep, i reckon its the stater but on checkin the battery leads i noticed that the battery condition window was showing clear wich means by the manual its had it and should be changed but a failing battery is listed in the haynes as a possible starter /solonoid cause gona change the battery tommorow if its not that i will exercise the warranty i have and they can have the hassle,cheers phil
I did think mine was a battery problem but a replacement battery just a few months previous to the starter playing up ruled this out, and a quick test with the meter.
carp indeed. when you hear the click its the bendick's gear stuck on the flywheel where it hasnt retracted enough, back into the body (something like that i think). you can give it a **** with 'ammer and that will usually free it up. ive also read that you can leave it in gear and rock it back and forth. also free's it.

i took mine out, cleaned it and lightly lubed it. saved myself 100squids and it works fine ;)

sounds fishy to me ,its at the indipendant landrover guy tommorow having a new starter fitted under warranty dont trust main dealer,the click my friend is the solaniod not engaging the flywheel as its not recieving the correct ampage as the brushes are worn out and cant contact the armeture to spin,i think
all sorted new starter and 4 genuine glow plugs and it fires like new,mr warranty guy was not impressed by£270 +vat for a genuine starter and wanted the repairer to fit a copy part,he was duly told to not be silly or was **** off more like it any way i won and shes sorted,cheers phil:D

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