
New Member
:( Can anyone help me please
My beautiful baby started playing up about 3 months ago
Difficult 2 start, sometimes it takes 4 attempts to start sometimes it starts first go
Garage said needs new Fuel Injector Pump which we then got reconditioned
Got her back 2 days ago and we STILL have the same problem, garage havent a clue
I'm A Desperate Housewife who luvs this car,(my husband threatening 2 sell her!)
i had similar prob, i replaced my glow plugs, now start instantly first time. it still has the hotstart prob that all p38's have, but there is a post on these forums how to fix that too, just not got round to that yet.

the bmw 2.5 diesel is a 6 cyl engine, so you need 6 glowplugs. im telling you this as they normally come in packs of 4. as luck might have it, i have 6 new glowplugs for the bmw 2.5 diesel sat on my shelf, because i won two auctions on ebay when i was replacing mine, i thought someone was going to outbid me on one set, but didnt, so i have a spare set (Part = Wellman W631). They retail at LR at about £12 each, ill take £5 each for them?
Thanks 4 reply

Garage replaced these already and also cleaned the injector still problems.
So we got the fuel injector pump reconditioned at great expence and time,thinking that this would be the answer but it wasn't,the other thing we have noticed is the alternator fault sign is coming on more often than usual and when she does start and moves into 2nd-ish gear she over revs and splutters. The garage r now saying that the gear box needs reconditioned but I think it is related to above problem as they both occured at the same time, any other theorys ???
She has 89,000 miles and no real problems untill now.

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