
Hi ya.
Can anyone tell me how to test to see if the engine will run before i put it back into my landy. i do not have the key ignition part. is there anyway to hot wire it or something. i have seen a pic on here of Sean rebuild. How do you do what he did with his engine.

I am not quite sure of the question here. If you are looking to rebuild your engine why are ypu putting it back in?

Do you want to test the theory or it being able to run or actually start it? Use the starting handle?
I have done this a few times with various engines, up to jcb size in breakers yards aand mi 'shop.
You can run an engine for 20 seconds or so without a rad connected, just get as much water in the cooling system as you can, or put both rad pipes in a bowl of water.
Connect a jump lead from the body of the engine to the batt-, remove the coil from the vehicle connect the coil to the dizzy on the usual connection, connect the + side of the coil to the + of the batt with a piece of wire, use a bit of tube to go from the carb inlet to a fuel can (keep it well away from the exhaust), operate the choke with a tie wrap, and then use the + jump lead, connect one side to the batt+, and 'flash' the other side to the starter terminal, the engine should fire and make a hell of a racket without the exhaust.
Remove the - jump lead to stop.
Dont rev the engine much (it will try and flip over) and only run for a few seconds, I have done this after selling an engine on ebay, allways impresses the punters.
If your not a seasoned diy mechanic then the above is not suggested, its a bit hairy.
To do it seans way you need a proper jig with cooling arrangements, the advantage of this is you can run the engine for long periods and warm it up, this will prove the engine more thoroughly, my test is rough and ready but its good when buying a second hand motor.
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i have seen a pic on here of Sean rebuild. How do you do what he did with his engine.

patent applied for



on another note-your rebuild looks really good.
Some nice pics-looking forward to seeing it finished
and then use the + jump lead, connect one side to the batt+, and 'flash' the other side to the starter terminal

One last bit a help. I have the exhaust still on plus the rad. I understand everything up till the starter terminal. Is that the starter solenoid or starter motor. Any help?
Would it work also if a connect the coil to the battery and turn the engine over manualy? or am i total lost.

You dont need the exhaust on for the test, but the neighbours would appreciate it, and you can run without the rad for a few seconds, if you run with the rad you can run longer but not for hours.
You can hand crank the engine connecting up the coil the way I mentioned yes, but its bloody hard that way.
The jump lead trick, connect the - of the battery to a solid clean metal part of the engine block using a jump lead, then connect the other jump lead to the + of the battery and hold the other end on the connection post on the starter motor where the thick wire normally goes take care as the motor will instantly turn the engine, be carefull you dont touch the jump lead to the engine, you'll short the battery.

You sound fairly new to this so maybe you'd be better making an engine stand, or get one from halfrauds and do it as shown in the pictures, its a lot safer, or for a one off stick the engine back in the car, you could put it back without the gearbox just for a check, if you do support the back of the sump with a trolley jack.
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Cheers Dr pepper. i am new to this. Cheers for the help. Now i can test my engine then get back to work sorting the rest of my series 3
My pleasure I like to be of assistance.
On the engine stand front I've been known to build one out of 3 bi 2 wood, works well and quick cheap and easy.
Be extra careful and borrow a fire extinguisher if your playing on a petrol engine.
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