
New Member
Pretty simple question:

I've got a 90 with the later tdi200 discovery engine fitted.

In the handbook for the 90 it states you shouldn't touch the throttle when either cold or hot starting the td engine.

Would that be also the same advice for the tdi200 engine aswell?

Told you it was simple :)
a 200tdi should fire straight up from cold, even with no glowplugs ( unless it really is freezing, then give a few seconds on the plugs).

mine fires up straight away even at 7am when its all frosty and cold!
If the handbook says NO THROTTLE when starting up that is because the injection pump has a COLD START MODE which sets itself when BOTH the following circumstances are in place:

1. the engine is stopped, or turning very slowly, i.e. starter motor speed


2. the throttle is CLOSED. If the throttle is open the cold start system will not set.

The cold start system radically alters the injection timing AND hoicks in excess fuel. This helps the engine to fire up, and as soon as it does, it picks up revs / speed until it reaches TICKOVER speed, at which stage the cold start system releases the timing changes and excess fuel and then the tickover governor takes over and keeps the engine running. Tickover speed is easily fast enough in all but the very worst of cold to keep the engine compressing fast enough to create ignition conditions in the cylinders.

A big button that keeps the glow plugs heating can help quite a lot.

bit like a choke then...increases the fuel to air ratio.

except a choke does this by blocking off air, whereas the cold start on the pump does it by chuckin in more fuel.
Is that why startup's a bit smokey, coz it ain't burning the fuel very efficiently?

Any remember owning on of the 19Js from new - did they smoke on startup right from the start??

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