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ok, not as exciting as the title suggests….

Does anyone have or have experience of laser cleaners/rust removers. I‘ve been hankering after one for a while primarily for use on the ‘66 S type Jag in my garage, but as I’m About to clean up the chassis before putting in a new bulkhead I can see another opportunity, but tbh if they are as good as they ‘appear’ I can see a lot of use for one.

Given the cost though I’d really like some first-hand experiences, from what I can see the prices have dropped considerably over the last few years with the majority of products made in China with Korean lasers.

There are two types that ‘I can see pulsed or continuous with pulsed heating up the underlying metal less and so being better for more delicate work.

the sort of thing I’m looking at is this:

However given the cost of around £6K + any taxes I’m currently in a research phase - so if anyone is in the know please share


ok, not as exciting as the title suggests….

Does anyone have or have experience of laser cleaners/rust removers. I‘ve been hankering after one for a while primarily for use on the ‘66 S type Jag in my garage, but as I’m About to clean up the chassis before putting in a new bulkhead I can see another opportunity, but tbh if they are as good as they ‘appear’ I can see a lot of use for one.

Given the cost though I’d really like some first-hand experiences, from what I can see the prices have dropped considerably over the last few years with the majority of products made in China with Korean lasers.

There are two types that ‘I can see pulsed or continuous with pulsed heating up the underlying metal less and so being better for more delicate work.

the sort of thing I’m looking at is this:

However given the cost of around £6K + any taxes I’m currently in a research phase - so if anyone is in the know please share


That toy won't do ****.

Edd China has done a whole load of videos on YouTube about laser blasting rust on a RRC chassis. However the laser kit he used costs over £100,000 and it still left some surface rust.
Wire brushing with an angle grinder wire attachment followed by a decent rust killing chemical is a cheap and effective solution.
OK thanks for the response - I will research further as I believe that the cost of the technology is dropping rapidly - I'm looking for less aggression than a wire brush - although I absolutely agree it may be the only option
OK thanks for the response - I will research further as I believe that the cost of the technology is dropping rapidly - I'm looking for less aggression than a wire brush - although I absolutely agree it may be the only option
Wire cup brush in a drill or grinder won't do any harm to sound metal on a Land Rover chassis.
It will remove rust. loose paint, filler, and other dodgy bits, so you can see where you are going with it.