
New Member
Ive had a quick look in the usual places for SS Exhausts for a petrol series 3 SWB but cant find any, does anyone know of anyone that does them? if not the full system maybe just the rear silencer.

on the same theme i was thinking about re-routing the exhaust so it exits through the PTO hole out of the rear, has anyone done something similar?obviously this would be custom but can anyone think why this cant be done without serious work?


Andy D
I've driven behind a landy with the exhaust out the pto hole so it can be done! and i'm sure i saw a ss exhaust manuf. advertisin in one of the lr mags, not sure of the price though!
A complete steel exhaust for a s3 is only 30 something quid from paddocks so why go to the expense of a s/s one.:confused:
ah gotta ask..............;why?

to which i say why not!

But really, my exhaust has started blowing, now the easy option would be to replace with standard (full system being less than £50) but if i wanted it to look like everyone else's i wouldn't have metallic paint, a bikini hood, chequer plate throughout and a plethora of other little modifications/improvements/errrr don't do's (delete as appropriate) so i was just thinking of something different and being a bit of an engineer (all be it a pinky) then i never go for the easy option!
i was gonna answer yer 'why not?' till i got to the " chequer plate throughout" and decided i'd be wasting ma time.
i'm sure if you really wanted someone could make you a SS chequer plate eggghost that would exit just behind the cab then you could pretend its a big mack truck? or maybe a big mac truck would be a more apt description.
if i wanted it to look like everyone else's i wouldn't have metallic paint, a bikini hood, chequer plate throughout and a plethora of other little modifications/improvements/errrr

There isn't no such thing as a standard landy so be different and have a standard one.:D
i was gonna answer yer 'why not?' till i got to the " chequer plate throughout" and decided i'd be wasting ma time.
i'm sure if you really wanted someone could make you a SS chequer plate eggghost that would exit just behind the cab then you could pretend its a big mack truck? or maybe a big mac truck would be a more apt description.

ahh i see, i need to rectify my aspirations of how i want my landie to be, can i make mine just like yours what does an patronising, ignorant fart want from a Landie, can you let me know
There isn't no such thing as a standard landy so be different and have a standard one.:D

Good point,

maybe that's another project, but i did a 'restore to original' on a RR classic, and when having to make the choice about selling either my landie or the rangie, well, no contest!:D
My eggshost exits thru the PTO hole, but it's half a rangie one coming off of me V8 then links with a flexble hose t'me Series back half.

It's neat, tidy & ain't going to catch on owt

I'm going to be getting a custom one made up in Stainless cuz I gotta! There are companies that do stainless Series eggshosts (can't think of them of the top of me 'ead mind), but I reckon there ain't many for exactly the reason that you can pick up the standard item fer 30 odd notes.

If you really want one have a look thru a few of the Landy mags, I'm sure I've seen them advertised.
ahh i see, i need to rectify my aspirations of how i want my landie to be, can i make mine just like yours what does an patronising, ignorant fart want from a Landie, can you let me know
going by yer attitude you already have one that suits that description.
all i asked was why you would want to have an exhaust coming out the pto hole and of course you take that as a personal attack.

is your self esteem so low that you can find aggression in the simplest of questions?
then when you received the reply you wanted you go into the old worn out **** about patronising ignorant farts. jings ave helps fook nose how many folk on here then you come along and try and be clevva with yer bollocks.
if you'd answered my question about why you wanted yer exhaust coming on the pto hole you would have gotten a much better answer that might have helped you.
so crank yer neck back and stop trying to be smart .it dunt suit you
Hee hee, didn't see all that malarky!

Wish I could make my farts both ignorant AND patronising. Ignorant I can probably manage cuz they aren't what you'd call intelligent in their own right, patronising tho'? Tricky, I suppose it's down to tone really isn't it?
Got my complete sys S3 from merseyside landrovers in liverpool or whatever they call themselves now, it was about £140 only worth putting one on if you intend to keep the motor I do, mild steel lasts about 18mts to 2 years mine been on now 2 years still looks like new have a look at rimmer bros or doulble s exhusts they both sell em.

going by yer attitude you already have one that suits that description.
all i asked was why you would want to have an exhaust coming out the pto hole and of course you take that as a personal attack.

is your self esteem so low that you can find aggression in the simplest of questions?
then when you received the reply you wanted you go into the old worn out **** about patronising ignorant farts. jings ave helps fook nose how many folk on here then you come along and try and be clevva with yer bollocks.
if you'd answered my question about why you wanted yer exhaust coming on the pto hole you would have gotten a much better answer that might have helped you.
so crank yer neck back and stop trying to be smart .it dunt suit you

???? Maybe you forgot what prompted my reply,

when you asked "why a SS exhaust though the PTO", i replied "why not and to be different", both question and answer where reasonable and valid, so to get a reply of:

"i was gonna answer yer 'why not?' till i got to the " chequer plate throughout" and decided i'd be wasting ma time.
i'm sure if you really wanted someone could make you a SS chequer plate eggghost that would exit just behind the cab then you could pretend its a big mack truck? or maybe a big mac truck would be a more apt description."

Is this not both patronising and ignorant, ignorant in that you fail to accept others opinions (especially when the differ from their own) and patronising in the way that you offer nonconstructive criticism that is both unnecessary and rude, about modifications i have made to my Landie

But this is probably falling on deaf ears, as generally ignorance will follow, and fail to recognise either of the aforementioned traits.

I acknowledge that you hold a wealth of knowledge of all things Landie and have undoubtedly helped many, but you undermine your reputation by offering posts such as these,

Got my complete sys S3 from merseyside landrovers in liverpool or whatever they call themselves now, it was about £140 only worth putting one on if you intend to keep the motor I do, mild steel lasts about 18mts to 2 years mine been on now 2 years still looks like new have a look at rimmer bros or doulble s exhusts they both sell em.


cheers for that, i have family that live nearby, sounds like an excuse for a visit, £140 is quite reasonable as well,


Andy D
???? Maybe you forgot what prompted my reply,

when you asked "why a SS exhaust though the PTO", i replied "why not and to be different", both question and answer where reasonable and valid, so to get a reply of:

"i was gonna answer yer 'why not?' till i got to the " chequer plate throughout" and decided i'd be wasting ma time.
i'm sure if you really wanted someone could make you a SS chequer plate eggghost that would exit just behind the cab then you could pretend its a big mack truck? or maybe a big mac truck would be a more apt description."

Is this not both patronising and ignorant, ignorant in that you fail to accept others opinions (especially when the differ from their own) and patronising in the way that you offer nonconstructive criticism that is both unnecessary and rude, about modifications i have made to my Landie

But this is probably falling on deaf ears, as generally ignorance will follow, and fail to recognise either of the aforementioned traits.

I acknowledge that you hold a wealth of knowledge of all things Landie and have undoubtedly helped many, but you undermine your reputation by offering posts such as these,


look thicky !! before you start going on about ignorance and patronising, and all the ship you burble, you need to go and borrow the LZ dick and jane reading book, am not sure who has it just now but it might be mr caravan. then after you master the art of reading go back and read the actual question that was asked by my goodself.
then once you have done that perhaps you can answer why it is you feel the need to stick a egghost out the pto hole.
the reason i ask is yer answer wil help folk decide which advice would best suit you.
or are you one of those that are more concerned by looks and trying very hard to be different.

here this might help

Ego Boost

Problems of low self-esteem, which on the face of it may seem quite minor, can blight people's lives and make them lose out on major opportunities. They may lack the confidence to attend social functions, or to talk to the opposite sex, and may be held back at work. An extreme example is the condition known as social phobia, in which people go out of their way to avoid social gatherings. When they are forced to mix with people they suffer from the panic attack symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, and blushing. It is a problem worth tackling, since social phobics are around nineteen times more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than others.

For minor situations whereby the individual's life is not totally blighted by this unfortunate affliction, hypnosis can be given that help make them feel good about themselves: that they feel calm, confident, and actually enjoy socialising. They are taught to shine at a particular occasion, such as a party or job interview, people can be hypnotised and then visualise the event, repeating to themselves that they feel comfortable and calm, and that they feel at ease with the world. These feelings will then re-emerge when they are in the actual situation. Self-hypnosis can also develop a person's confidence in the particular situation in which they feel limited. Trigger words can be used to change the way they feel about a situation. Physical symptoms such as minor blushing, sweating, or trembling can be helped through suggestion hypnosis and visualisation, and then gradually acclimatising them to the situation.

now look at the watch, thats it!!
just empty your mind, oh! ok! we'll skip that bit. your eyelids are becoming heavy and when you wake up you will no longer feel the need to cover your landy in chequerplate. just send a cheque to
slob therapy center
c/o landzone
the nternet​
look thicky !! before you start going on about ignorance and patronising, and all the ship you burble, you need to go and borrow the LZ dick and jane reading book, am not sure who has it just now but it might be mr caravan. then after you master the art of reading go back and read the actual question that was asked by my goodself.
then once you have done that perhaps you can answer why it is you feel the need to stick a egghost out the pto hole.
the reason i ask is yer answer wil help folk decide which advice would best suit you.
or are you one of those that are more concerned by looks and trying very hard to be different.

here this might help

Ego Boost

Problems of low self-esteem, which on the face of it may seem quite minor, can blight people's lives and make them lose out on major opportunities. They may lack the confidence to attend social functions, or to talk to the opposite sex, and may be held back at work. An extreme example is the condition known as social phobia, in which people go out of their way to avoid social gatherings. When they are forced to mix with people they suffer from the panic attack symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, and blushing. It is a problem worth tackling, since social phobics are around nineteen times more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than others.

For minor situations whereby the individual's life is not totally blighted by this unfortunate affliction, hypnosis can be given that help make them feel good about themselves: that they feel calm, confident, and actually enjoy socialising. They are taught to shine at a particular occasion, such as a party or job interview, people can be hypnotised and then visualise the event, repeating to themselves that they feel comfortable and calm, and that they feel at ease with the world. These feelings will then re-emerge when they are in the actual situation. Self-hypnosis can also develop a person's confidence in the particular situation in which they feel limited. Trigger words can be used to change the way they feel about a situation. Physical symptoms such as minor blushing, sweating, or trembling can be helped through suggestion hypnosis and visualisation, and then gradually acclimatising them to the situation.

now look at the watch, thats it!!
just empty your mind, oh! ok! we'll skip that bit. your eyelids are becoming heavy and when you wake up you will no longer feel the need to cover your landy in chequerplate. just send a cheque to
slob therapy center
c/o landzone​

the nternet​

I have obviously touched on a sensitive issue, maybe others have told you similar in the past? I admit partial fault by retorting to your innapropriate comments and i understand that you now feel the need to try and raleigh support with anyone that may care to listen as you wouldnt want to lose face by admitting any fault, I think enough has been said.

good luck.
fook orf ya silly ****.. sensitive issue.. i think you need to get a copy of that award winning book. cutting sarcasism fer dummies. that way you'll be able to avoid the pit falls of using all them old lines like. you shag yer mum, your dad plays with you, you have a small nob and that meaningless twaddle ' oh! i seem to have touched a sensitive issue and that equally borring bollocks "have i hit a raw nerve"
the only true point you brought out there was the fact you have sed enough, now run along now yer dad want to play with you

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