
New Member
Can anyone help as i had the brake pads replaced on the MOT and when i drove it after that the brakes started squeeling, i applyed copper grease as they might not of applyed any, that worked for a couple of day and now there squeeling again.
Can anyone suggest what i can do, i have been told i can buy non squeel material to help of some sort.
I dont realy want to buy new pads if they have just been changed.

thats the problem also i only get sundays off work and there not open had trouble getting it there for the mot.
Hoping there would be something else i can do.
You can buy Anti squeel shims from most good motoring shops. They are very slim peices of sheet metal cut the same shape as your break pad and fit between the pad and the piston. Had the same problem, fitted the Anti squeel shims and now nothing. cost around the £4 mark.
Yep i agree wiff hardback. . . .but the most common problem wiff 4x4's is when changin pads ,the discs git worn after time [too bad un yer should change discs] un it causes a burr ont leading edge [outer circumfrence] and a different make er pad will vibrate against this [makin yer squeel as brakes applied] on 2 wheel drive motor its easy ta file orft the rough edge [slob uses er grinder]. . . [as you can easly spin the wheels ] but this is not case wiff the gaylander ,so most garages cant be asked, try the shims first by all means , but porky is good ont motors, un reckons this is the problem [he sorted mine out]. . . oh un best oh luck earthling. . . . .:)
Yeah, brakes on mine squeelin like a tortured pig at the mo, fink its all down ta weather changing...wet, dry, wet, dry...

Let us know how yer gettin on wiv this, cos if it aint the weather I might be followin yer example.
thanks, did try my local motor stores and they said they dont sell them or never herd of them.
Is there a online stores i can buy them from.

My rice burners brakes squeal like a stuck pig since changing pads and discs. Ive tried shims and copperslip but neither make a difference I filed chamfers on the leading edge of the pads an that dint work so I filed chamfers on all the edges of the pads and that dint work. Next step is to get genuine pads for it instead of cheapo ones, specialy as the cheapo ones are wearing down like, like, well like something that wears down reely quick.
I'd go fer OEM stuff meself if they aren't over expensive, otherwise EBC or summat.
Yeah but Flopsters talking about the stuff he gets out of his nose. You know like the red stuff that comes out o yours.........Oh no thats only yer ears int it.

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