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Afternoon all.

So TDV8 2011.

M called me yesterday to bring the rescue vehicle (the mud ball:D), Luckily she was just outside the village.

So the described sounds was a squealing from under the car, Also noted a clicking sound. Anyway quick check underneath and no animals caught up or bits dangling (that I could see).

Start car and bonnet up nothing of note there Peww;).

So I moved the car forward and the squealing was there and quite loud, sounded to be from the rear area.
Stopped and applied EPB no noise, and no dash warning of problem:).

Left EPB on and used the "release on drive away" I don't normally do this, and gave it some beans.
Noise gone. stopped and started a few times and noise didn't reappear so drove home and parked up.

Checked with Gap today and no faults showing of relevance.
Took for another test drive and squealing came back when 50yards from home, turned round and went home no noise:confused: I did use reverse to turn round.

I actually haven't heard the ticking sound the squealing sort of came first. M says the ticking reminded her of when the front prop CV start going. So that's a place to look on the rear, also the center bearing on rear prop, and Brakes.
Anyway the P38 has been given notice to get out of the garage as the 322 needs to go over the pit so I can get a good look underneath.

Any ideas of where to look would be appreciated thanks.

Afternoon all.

So TDV8 2011.

M called me yesterday to bring the rescue vehicle (the mud ball:D), Luckily she was just outside the village.

So the described sounds was a squealing from under the car, Also noted a clicking sound. Anyway quick check underneath and no animals caught up or bits dangling (that I could see).

Start car and bonnet up nothing of note there Peww;).

So I moved the car forward and the squealing was there and quite loud, sounded to be from the rear area.
Stopped and applied EPB no noise, and no dash warning of problem:).

Left EPB on and used the "release on drive away" I don't normally do this, and gave it some beans.
Noise gone. stopped and started a few times and noise didn't reappear so drove home and parked up.

Checked with Gap today and no faults showing of relevance.
Took for another test drive and squealing came back when 50yards from home, turned round and went home no noise:confused: I did use reverse to turn round.

I actually haven't heard the ticking sound the squealing sort of came first. M says the ticking reminded her of when the front prop CV start going. So that's a place to look on the rear, also the center bearing on rear prop, and Brakes.
Anyway the P38 has been given notice to get out of the garage as the 322 needs to go over the pit so I can get a good look underneath.

Any ideas of where to look would be appreciated thanks.

Think you've covered all bases,I take it oil levels are ok?.
It sounds like the parking brake isn't releasing correctly.

It was parked overnight after the last drive home without the epb applied.

Don’t use it much to be honest, but it does get used occasionally.

The noise today was not from initially moving off it was 50yards up the road.

But it’s on the list to look at thanks.

Afternoon all.

Well a day in the garage didnt reveal any obvious things. It did reveal the need to make a shopping list of parts though.

First off let me add to correct the post ^^^ the rear prop does actually have 2 traditional UJs 1 either side of the center shaft bearing:oops: So me and @Pete The Biker got it all covered together:D.

Plug in GAP and put EPB in "mounting" position? Topix says to do it so I did, What it does is a mystery;).
Discs were not giving up easy so a little bit of heat had to be applied.
So rear brakes off dedusted and some copper slip applied to the pad slides as they did squeak a little while move caliper on the slide pins.
Hand brake checked all seems good, except the lining material is not so obvious as I was expecting, and getting to the adjuster through the little hole is a bit hit and miss;). The adjuster is not adjusted a whole lot to apply so wouldn't say much wear on them.
l322 rear brakes7.jpg

The bad bits are the discs on the limit measured at 18mm, Limit is 17mm. Very slight movement in the CVs on the rear prop, UJs fine.
The beginnings of the shopping list:)

l322 rear brakes1.jpg

So everything checks out at the back, all back together and EPB adjuster and functioned a few times. All ok:).

At this point the test pilot brings coffee, great timing can you take it round the block as my hands are filthy:D.

Nope:(:(:(. Still there:oops:.
Anyway as M drove slowly I was able to walk along side and have pinned it down to the front drivers side (LHD) which happens to be the front diff side. Oh deep joy:(.

So tomorrow will be the fronts getting the treatment:D

So the shopping list so far.

Rear discs + Pads.
EPB shoes.
Rear prop.

So the fun continues:oops::oops::)

Any thoughts on the front guys, cos I am not liking where this is heading:(. It is wheel rotation related and not engine speed.
Any suggestion is appreciated, I have considered the burn it already so dont need that 1:D:D.



  • l322 rear brakes3.jpg
    l322 rear brakes3.jpg
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  • l322 rear brakes.jpg
    l322 rear brakes.jpg
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Can you get it on 4 axle stands, and let the wheels spin slowly at tickover ? Then you can listen much closer and maybe track it down ?

I thought I had it tracked down but no, so yes it could happen.
But to be honest I am a little bit wary (scared):oops:. but it may come to that so it may still happen.
I have stands and plenty of wood blocks available and a good trolley jack, I suppose if I reversed it in the garage and left the door open what's the worst that would happen:D Except for a stupid Brit chasing a self driving car up the road:p.

Just a little thought it doesn't do it in reverse.


So todays efforts on the front Have only reveled a longer shopping list nothing obvious or wiggly:).

After checking all the front, test drive nope still there:(:mad:.
So got it squealing and contemplating the axles stands job:eek:.

Had a thought and got the pit open stood in it and got the test driver to drive over, a couple of back and forward and I was back listing at the rear;)
Horrible squeal coming from behind a heat shield over the front half of the rear prop.
I didn't disturb this yesterday as it only covers the front half of the rear prop and the joints are visible so there was no need.

Anyway remove the heatshield and while jiggling it to get it out something fell out:eek:

The pictures explain:D
Prop 1.jpg Prop 2.jpg Prop heatshield.jpg

We have had issues before with heatshields and stones but the sounds were just a rubbing noise this was a squeeeeel

Anyway fixed:D.


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