
Active Member
Evening All,

We're just about to get a J-Reg Discovery 200TDi (God, they're slow!!!!) and I've got a few random questions that looking through past posts didn't really throw up an answer here goes:

The Disco we're getting (presuming it passes an MoT this week) has done over 170K. It is basically sound, but the suspension feels sloppy and the steering is not as good as some others I've tried.

1. How difficult is it to fit new springs, dampers and poly bushes all round? I have a spring compressor, but no access to a press - will the bushes pop in using a smallish bench-vice?.

2. The steering on the car is also a bit sloppy. I know that it needs the front tyres replaced (happening for the MoT) and balanced and the tracking is probably out; what else might need replacing or adjusting given the mileage?

3. What is the purpose of the "steering damper"?

4. The PAS pump whines when the wheel is turned - it is (just) audible over the din of the engine when driving. Is this normal or does it need replacing?

5. The gearshift is sloppy and I was wondering if this can be adjusted or if rebushing the linkage is an option...

6. The indicator/horn/wiper/light stalks are knackered - and I noticed they're the horrid cheapo ones they used to fit to Freight Rover Sherpas and Austin Metros as well. Can they be easily replaced with anything better (say a later set off a Rover Metro or 100)?

7. Anyone know of a good, cheap Land Rover/4x4 breakers in the Eastbourne -Brighton - Tunbridge Wells vicinity...I have a feeling I'll need it!!!

8. And finally, I want to give the thing a service and clean all the earth points asap; is there anything not on the service schedule you recommend I look at or do?


1. Easyish to fit bushes, but why polybushes? rubber ones are better and are less likely to cause damage to other components
2. Track rod ends.
3. It dampens down large oscillations caused by rough ground and drive to the wheels, it doesn't damp out smaller oscillation such as caused by the wheels being out of balance.
4. Normal.
5. Gear change linkages can be adjusted by competent mechanic with a worksop manual.
6. Not as far as I know and I quite like them:)
7. No.
8. Rear door catch requires lubricating at least yearly or it will stick.
Thanks John - answers are appreciated.

Rear door lock will be doused in oil! Having done some extensive trolling around this site over the past week, I think I mostly need to go over it (underneath) and adjust/reshim/lubricate/clean and then decide what's broken and what's not... :)

Erm and decide whether or not the rear cross member/boot floor need replacing - it was covered in crud but seemed okay...should have looked more closely though.

We're picking it up tomorrow and so that'll make us fully paid up members of the modern-ish Rover fraternity - ie Rover cars, 4x4's and vans (I've even owned a Sherpa 200 - ticking the Freight-Rover box!)

I'm on my third Rover Vitesse...all incarnations except the "real" one (SD1 V8) and the Disco replaces a bubble shaped 416 hatch. Barbed "Rhonda" comments will be ignored...I think Honda make amazing engines and quite fancy an Integra Type-R ;-).

Found your answer to the polybush query interesting. Had always perceived them to be a good thing before.

Still think the early switchgear is horrid. Will be pulling steering column binacles off various ARG/Rover Group cars in breakers until (if?) I find something more to my taste that can be substituted. I'll report back once I do..!

Anyway; enough blither blather. Thanks again!

The only advantage of a polly bush compared to a standard bush is that you dont need a press to fit them.

As stated up in this thread i like the standard bushes better they are cheaper and dont shake the rest of the car to bits

re polly bushes you can get a ( soft set ) i think in blue colour that arnt to bad realy, if you do intend to fit bushes your self tho i would recomend you get the polly bushes because as stated they are easer to fit with NO press.

Just buy genuine polly bushes and get the softest compound availble.

DONT buy non genuine polly bushes they are badly made and are as hard as rocks

hope this helps

regards bell
Don't intend to keep this thread going forever (I think everything's been covered now!), but one last thing:

The blue bushes seem the way forward as rubber bushes needs pressing (I won't be able to afford the labour to have someone do any work for me) and red is too hard.

I've noticed red polly bushes going for anything from £50 to £100+ in the Land Rover mags. Haven't looked for, or seen, any ads for blue bushes though.

Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced stockist for the blue ones (reputable brand obviously!).


If you are fitting polyurethane bushes then definitley do not fit then to the panhard rod.
Rear door lock lubrication - remove the green oval badge in the door handle and apply lubrication to the pivots and spring mechanism - these are the bits that sieze up.

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