
New Member
hi i have a p reg 4.6 range rover with gas conversion when i press the sports mode button it lights up but nothing happens any ideas fellow range rover friends :confused:
"Nothing Happens" ..... "Nothing Happens" WHEN ????

All the "Sports" mode does is hold it in a Gear longer ..... i.e. if it changes gear at say 35 MPH in "Normal" mode .. in Sports mode it will change gear at say 45 MPH.
I hear that some LPG instalations have the sports mode disconnected to prevent heavy right foot and potentioil backfires.

On the other had... the sports on the Ranger rovers are not like cars... example: my old Omega used to jump down into a lower gear when you pressed the sports which i used to use to assist with engine braking. The range rover sport only hold the engine in a gear for longer to maximise the gear to its full revs. Its a bit if a cheat calling it sports really.

If you accelerate hard without sports from standing to say 50 or 60 to allow all gears to enagde... then do the same with sports. If it works you will notice the higher revs before the gear change but don't expect a 10sec difference to your 0-60..lol
On the other had... the sports on the Ranger rovers are not like cars... example: my old Omega used to jump down into a lower gear when you pressed the sports which i used to use to assist with engine braking. The range rover sport only hold the engine in a gear for longer to maximise the gear to its full revs. Its a bit if a cheat calling it sports really.

Interesting, does that mean I have 'an issue', as mine drops a cog when I engage sports mode. In fact I'll double check that when I go out for fuel later, just to make sure I'm not deluding myself.

I always thoug a gsoh was requirment of a land rover owner!!!

WOOGOO: let me know if she jumps down a gear on you every time without a throtle application.... never know - I might be the one thats got a duff sport! Having said that. My old 4.6hse auto didn't do it either.

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