

See I bet that grinner is not displayed properly.
Really annoying and to fix it you need to

:lol::D and that will work if that is the only text you wanna post.

Sometime lol+grin is aceptable as a response, but usually grin is better.
I see loads doing it and it kinda ruins their response.
Also I cannot SHOUT! That should all be caps.
Please fix:D
Anybody else know WTF munkeys on about?

Your :D appeared just fine. :doh:
the smileys are not always displayed properly when i look on my fone but online they is ok
We is awaiting for Nurse Storm to give us his proffessional opinion.:p

Speaking of nurse storm where the hell has he bin? he int on facebook much either. Well apart from asking me if lady gaga was equiped with both sexual organs the other day! :crazy::der:
Bollox, most of he time grin dunt appear if it's the only thing in the post.

You know what I'm on about yer nanas:rolleyes:
tink sumwons spendin far too much time wiv a poxy fone,
an not on a poxy computa.
fones is fer fookin talkin on
not fer runnin yer life wiv.

noo poxy fones,
there like lesbian wimin,
look good,
but you dont get wot yer really after,
unless your like one ofum
Bollox, most of he time grin dunt appear if it's the only thing in the post.

You know what I'm on about yer nanas:rolleyes:

nope! :doh: i dunt have a clue wot yous is yakking about.

I fink you has the skurvy and your brain has turned more mushy from the sea salt! :D
We is awaiting for Nurse Storm to give us his proffessional opinion.:p

Well Nurse Grimmers professional opinion is 'Mad as a box of frogs that have issues':crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Well Nurse Grimmers professional opinion is 'Mad as a box of frogs that have issues':crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

well i aint a nurse,but i agree with you on this issue.:D;)

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