Hi. I have a 1985 110 csw with a speedometer problem. It started a quite a few months ago while I was driving. The needle started fluctuating violently above the speed I was driving, then settled down below my actual speed after a few miles. Over the months it has become progressively worse so that now it starts doing it as soon as I start driving or within a mile at best. I had thought it was caused by a loose or damaged cable until I checked the mileometer and odometer. They were reading the correct mileage after a journey, even though the speedo was reading roughly half my actual speed. Any help with this would be appreciated, thanks, Gerry.
unlikely the speedo gear unless square drive for cable is split ,you can see when cables removed ,loose output flange nut can cause speedo worm to slip and grab
worn head or dry cable, have u tried greasing it?

dried out cable catches n springs quickly on release gives a speedo that bounces from 20 - 60 at 40mph....

cheers steve
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'll have a look at the flange first. If that's not it, then I'll try the cable greasing. Will keep you informed! The bouncing either side of the speed I'm actually doing is what is happening until it settles down to around half my actual speed.
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Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'll have a look at the flange first. If that's not it, then I'll try the cable greasing. Will keep you informed! The bouncing either side of the speed I'm actually doing is what is happening until it settles down to around half my actual speed.

greasing may solve but does sound like the magnets in head are shot, easy to pick up a new one but make sure you get correct one series landies 88 to 109 are different and id'd due to number on dial face, not sure on fenders?? did they all come with same size tyres??

cheers steve
It has the standard wheels and tyres as fitted new, Steve. When you say 'pick up a new one' is that a magnet (to do a repair) or a new speedo. Speedos quite pricey I would think! Mine is a 1985 110 csw. I had a n/a engine in when I bought it, but fitted a 300tdi (retaining original gearbox and transfer box).
If you kept the 110's lt77 gearbox and transfer box then you have a mechanical speedo drive.
It has the standard wheels and tyres as fitted new, Steve. When you say 'pick up a new one' is that a magnet (to do a repair) or a new speedo. Speedos quite pricey I would think! Mine is a 1985 110 csw. I had a n/a engine in when I bought it, but fitted a 300tdi (retaining original gearbox and transfer box).

sorry meant on forum or ebay.. by new meant replacement not brand new although you could get a new one at the old sod (newbury) for not much more, i certainly wouldnt pay more than £15-£20 for one

cheers steve
£15 to £20 sounds good to me. Once I've determined whether it's the unit or not, that's the road I'll go down. Thanks for that, Steve.
Yes, 'Redhand' I kept the lt77, so it's mechanical. Thanks.
How would the cable show a higher speed???


yep, a dry or damaged cable can momentarily stick, wind up slightly and spring free, as it is forced to turn at the gearbox end the springing effect will cause it to read high as the cable length catches up with the driven end,

this gives the 20-60 effect at 40 mph

cheers steve

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