
New Member
hello all, youve got a very good site. I just bought a IIA 109 Diesel (late one with head lights on the wings). I thought I was done with old cars and oil but the landie is perfect for the snow in Devon and god its cheap for parts.

Anyway as part of making it more comfortable for my wife I am having a go at the speedo. After the fun of the dash as almost every wire is twisted and taped, nice, I found the cable has sheared off in the gearbox.

The quesiton is, can I loosen off the housing to get to the 2 screws and get the bits out or do I have to take it all apart? Any hints would be good too. I am assuming the greabox is the same as the III series as ive got a manual for such.

many thanks, Andrew
Wesley thanks for the quick response, its stuck fast and the new cable wont go in so it is there. Can I push it through to the sump? If so Ill give it a bigger push, probably right up to a wack.
No, best not knock it through. I know there isn't much gap but it has to come out the way it went in. I was hoping it had fallen through but obviously not chap. I'm gonna have a ponder over this and I'll see what my mate reckons too. Can you actually see it and can you get owt on it eg long nose pliers?.

Off for a pint WP.
Magnet to pull it out... should be ferous metal and i believe the housing is alum, and the gear it runs on is bronze, so should be able to use a magnet to pull the little bit out. Could be wrong though, been a bit since I had my transfer case apart.
Thanks again, no I cant see it at all, I tried a pickup magnet (on a spring thing) but it wasnt strong enough. I think shes wedged in quite a bit. Ill have another bash tomorrow in daylight.

Just hoping I can loosen the speedo casing enough to get at the top screw of the bit the cable goes into. With that out the way I hope to see the wire and then to pull it out.
Just to update you all, I emptied the transfer box oil then removed the 2 screws of the outer retainer although the top one only loosened. With it out the way there was enough broken cable left to pluck it out. New cable works a treat, happy wife. Not all plain sailing, how do you refill the transfer box oil, without pouring it all down your arm? Anyway thats another story.Thanks again Andrew

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