happy pilgrim

New Member
an unusual request I know for a land rover? i have quite a new defender, and i read in this months LR owner international mag, that it is limited to 82mph?
anyone know how to remove limiter?? cheers
wasn't so much concerned with top speed? but presumably restrictor is just that? therefore having a possible affect on general engine performance? as i don't know? thought the easiest way to test would be to remove it??
Controls the top speed only, all tied in to tyre speed rating and general safety in this health & safety concious age.
The law no longer allows manufacturers to assume drivers will use common sense.
sort of understandable re:tyre ratings etc but then there maybe the odd time coming down the motorway that it may be nice to be above 80? so is it removeable then or not? :confused::confused:
Controls the top speed only, all tied in to tyre speed rating and general safety in this health & safety concious age.
The law no longer allows manufacturers to assume drivers will use common sense.

apparently it was only put in place in order to meet some obscure EU emisions regs

and that came from someone who helped develop it
That rings a bell, I knew there was another reason but I couldn't think what it was.
ok thanks. that makes sense. emission regs. can a limiter just affect top end and emissions without altering characteristics of the rest of the engine/torque curve?
there's sommat on here about it all - do a search for "bell autos" or sommat like that.
ok thanks. that makes sense. emission regs. can a limiter just affect top end and emissions without altering characteristics of the rest of the engine/torque curve?


i expect some of the soft tuners will sell you an "upgrade" that proports to improve the response/bhp/mpg upto the point at which the limiter kicks in which is all well and good if it works but removing the speed limit function would be reckless in my opinion
yeh the performance is fine and when it gets to 85mph in my landy it just doesnt go any faster even down a hill lol
it doesnt affect the torque mpg bhp etc because its a special limiter like what someone already posted about, using tyre speed etc
it is clever and beneficial to u but i think allisport can remove it for like £600 or summat ridiculous!!
and to those others asking why u would want to do over 80 in a landy, its almost a completely different kettle of fish
the new landy is much more refined with better speakers and well as more insulation from road and engine noise
especially with 6th gear
its very easy to do around 370 miles at 85mph on motorways on a full tank
and to those others asking why u would want to do over 80 in a landy, its almost a completely different kettle of fish
the new landy is much more refined with better speakers and well as more insulation from road and engine noise

better speakers wont help you change direction any faster when someone pulls out in front of you when you doing 85+

it's not a car, nor does it handle at speed anything like some other slightly more refined LR products

you may wish to invest in a roll cage for it
Roll cage is definitely a must at those kind of speeds, as there certainly wouldn't be much recognizable landy left if it did roll, or the driver and passengers for that matter.
lets be honest... there would be not much left of most vehicles at 85mph plus.. but thats not the point. release the power of the engine but use it sensibly and cautiously when appropriate?? how many of us can really say we have not been over 80mph?? anybody?

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