Just a short note to say hi to all fellow Landy owners and enthusiasts!
I am a fellow brit, living in california for 4years now, working for the premier range rover re-fitter in the US: www.specialvehicles.com
we have had quite a few Range Rovers and Hummer H2's modified here, then shipped over to Europe, the pound is strong enough to absorb the shipping costs and pay for some hefty upgrades, without going ridiculously over the top!
But on the other hand, there's nothing wrong with going over the top with anything! One of our clients ordered five range rovers, all supercharged, for each of his homes in the US. I have placed a couple of ads, Im not canvassing members and getting spammy with anyone, we just love range rovers!
it would be great to hear from other Range Rover fans in the US also.

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