My 110 defnder td5 1999 which clearly has the earlier wiper motor
has had the radio removed very unceremoniusly and I am left with a bunch of wires, well I have worked out which is which with the power wire but which is which with the speaker wires

the speakers are not marked + and - but the are large and small terminals

left side black/yellow trace & black/orange trace

right side black/red trace & black/white trace

The polarity marking on a loudspeaker has nothing to do with the usual kind of polarity found on a DC circuit such as a vehicle power system.

What it actually refers to is which way the speaker cone is driven when the signal is rising towards a given value, for instance if the signal is rising towards a positive value then the cone is driven forward and if the signal is rising towards a negative value then the cone gets driven backwards.

In a mono system it makes very little difference which way round the connections are made but in a stereo system the sounds might appear a "bit wooly" as to the source location. If that appears to be the case then reverse the wires to ONE of the speakers and try again.
Are they large and small spade connectors? Connect the big connectors to the + speaker outputs and the small ones to the - speaker outs. Should work fine.
As Brian says the only difference is the way the speaker cone moves when a signal is applied, one test you can do is to just connect it up and listen to it then reverse the terminals on one speaker, when the speakers move in the same direction together the bass will be much more noticeable
When they are opposed the bass will be much less.

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