
New Member
Can anyone recommend a good set of spark plugs please, just had to clean mine to keep her going so have to order some asap but theres so many brands i dont know which to get lol
Thanks in advance shes a 3.5v8i
Stick to the maker's specified Champions, never had a problem with them in three 3.5 efi's & (previously) one 3.9. If you are running LPG there may be a case for different spec. plugs, doubtless others that use the stuff will advise.
i orderd the NGK but if they dont work out i will get the champions, just waiting on them now doing an oil change aswel hopefully that will give her her energy back
i always run NGKs because i have never had any problems with them, from nearly 12 years in the motortrade, where as i have had lots of problems with bosch and champion ones

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