Well-Known Member
Hello all.
Having a bit of a clear out of FL1 Bits. Prop shaft (full, with VCU and new nuts) And new tank straps.
If I can post them for sale, Where.

Cheers all.
We'll let yer put a link in this fred to yer sales fred, anorl.

Not many Freelanderers will visit the for sale section. Its full of rusty tratter bits and used tins of oil.
Not many gaylandererers visit the for sale section because they disappointed that there are no gaylandererers selling themselves for jolly naughty botty pranks.
Don’t worry - the tratterers are just jealous ‘cos they dunt have things like air-con, and windows that work. And they get grumpy ‘cos they dunt have comfy seats.

You post the linky 👍
Gaylanderers usually buy their gallons of petrol and boxes of matches to fix their heaps locally.
Thanks all.
As it goes, just to add. So I,m not ripping off fellow forum members, I am looking for the thread for a bench test for the VCU. That way they know there getting a good en,
Is it still on the forum?

Cheers all.

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