
Hey all.
At present I keep my spare wheel/tire,on the floor in the bk of my 90, in th hope of prelonging th lofe of my rear door.I am thinkin about where to keep it permanantly, and have come 2the conclusion that boltin it upright somehow inside the bk of the 90 could be the best solution in terms of space savin. Is there a way of boltin it to the metal 'sheet' sorry dont really know wat the proper name for it is, that is behind the front seats?has anyone tried this?pro's cons?

also I was thinkin of keepin it on the floor and makin a false floor outa plywood, hinged in one or two places for access.anyone done this?
any feedback would be a huge help.

Aye yer can bolt it to yer bulkhead I've seen a few like that I'm sposed to be making a bracket to fasten the wheel in an upright position on the rear of the left hand wheel arch. It's out of the way there an dunt take up room on the floor of the tub. I had a bit of ply on the tub floor raised up on three lats, it was handy in that you could screw tie down brackets to it.
Hi Edbell,

I have just bolted my spare wheel up to the bulkhead behind the seats in my 90. I simply filed a hole that was already drilled through the bulkhead slightly bigger, cut down a bar of threaded steel, bought 3 washers and 2 nuts. I put one washer and one nut on the drivers side of the bulkhead, and one in the storage side. Lifted the wheel up and bolted it all up. Works well

What about putting it on the bonnet, it doesnt take up any room then. Following on from this can you buy a bracket to put it on a standard defender bonnet or do you need a special bonnet?
What about putting it on the bonnet, it doesnt take up any room then. Following on from this can you buy a bracket to put it on a standard defender bonnet or do you need a special bonnet?
Do a search there's loads of freds on the bonnet or not to bonnet dilemma.
I put my spare wheel on the bulkhead behind the seats using the (now redundant) spare wheel bracket off the back door. Drill a few holes... put in the bolts and hey presto, just mount the tyre on it.
Theres a flexible bracket with one wheel nut thats available (I've got one on my double cab) that fits to the tub bulkhead. I picked one up off ebay for 4 quids and was going to fit it in edith till I realised a spare would eat up space.

The thing about using a regular rear door carrier on the inner bulkhead is the prongs project at the wrong angle. Also if you don't have a wheel fitted to it, dogs etc will be impaled when you brake

I'm currently fitting a SIDE mounted carrier behind the drivers door, using a late defender rear wheel carrier (you can use a disco carrier - about 15 quids), carried through the hardtop skin onto a plate I've made up that spreads the load to the tub and up to the join between the hardtop sides and roof. A couple of ribs for rigidity as well.

Then a longer mirror arm (which admitedly is proving a buzzard to find) and Bob is very much your uncle.

Looks pretty good too, frees up inner space, and allows 2 spares on my expedition. (I've got a bonnet mount too)
mines still on the bonnet, I can't be arsed to move it, despite the accidental decapitation threat...hahhahahhahahahhaahhahahahhahahahahhhahhaha, (sorry grunt, it still makes me laugh)
Oh I don't know that wheel cover could rip and go though your air vent, hitting you neck creating a paper cut which if it was deep enough would cause certain decapitation. Saw it happen once. MESSY BUSINESS!
muddy, why not just put a spacer between the current wingmirror arm and its fixing point?? seen that done to several, mainly for towing.
Ayup Griffdowg what do you think I should do about me springs then? Should I go for the H.D's or the 'without s.l.s' ones , being as I've now taken the s.l.s off?
sod the spare wheel and tyre. get a couple of tubes of that blow up gunk ****. it fixes punchers and reinflates your tire in less time than it takes you to find the jack handle, or is it still in the shed!
Yeah, get a swing-away and side mount it. That way you get the best of both worlds, and you can drive about with it in the open position and see how many old gits you can knock over :p

Where's matron when I need her?

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