Spacers really are not an issue, the hub and tyre have no clue if you have spacers or different offset rims, the effect is the same.
Stock wheels will rub unless you wind the steering stops to reduce lock, hence why all stock Defenders have terrible turning circles. Alloys are 7" wide vs 6.5" for steel rims, so with the same off set makes the inner edge closer. Big chunky MT's will rub with ease.
A 130 should have had Wolf rims, these have an offset of 20.6ET, so not only would they be more narrow, they would be stepped out further too.
2B Forward Control rims have an offset of ET1, so nearly an inch more outbound again.
If you can't find the rims with the desired offset, then spacers are an easy option. You could just run them on the front axle if you wanted.
I also don't really believe any of the "scare" stories mentioned above. In my experience they only ever come from people that have never run spacers and have no first hand experience.