:( Something isnt right with this. It feel like the back wheels are steering and it wanders all over the road. Trouble is since I recently was seperated I just dont have the money to get it looked at. I wondered if there is anyone not far from Glossop who could look at it for me and let me know whats broke otherwise I am just going to have to scrap it regardless.

The difflock isn't stuck on is it??

sounds like it to me,

reverse it for a good way an see if it helps, it does sound like transmission wind up.

try lifting the whole axle up on a jack front then rear, but beware it could roll when you do if it is wind up that is, get some big weel chocks,:rolleyes:
It isn't one of the tie-rods that's broken away from the rear axle is it.

I had this on my wifes tdi 200, rusted right through, frightening experience, but it's possible to buy new ones and weld them on.

Cheers a good luck


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