
New Member
hi just to let you know that the fuel consumtion on my disco fitted with tornado exhaust and uprated intercooler has started to drop down to a good figure of which i shall let you know when i have calculated but just going on simple terms i used to get about 100-125 miles to a 1/4 a tank which is an 80 litre tank and between 200-230 miles on about half tank but generaly between 400-425 on a tank full ok this is very basic but thats what i used to get running the wife back and forth to work same route every day ect..... well this week same route 2 weeks after kit fitted engine seemed to have cleaned itself out a little have had to turn fuel down a little to reduce the black smoke now not smokin but im looking at 460 miles plus on tank full ! :) now here is the realy weird stuff my right foot has got a little heavy so i have been doin journey a little quicker and here is a very weird thing happening i have air blowing out off the air box and i can be sure that it is also blowing back up snorkle can any one shed some light on this for me cos i am confussed whats going on here:confused:
:) Are you sure you connected your new exhaust and intercooler to the right places.

Seriously, when you figure it out can you let the rest of us in on the secret.
thats what i thought ! :confused: but no all present and in correct locations and yes will let you all know what is happinin when i find out still no obviouse problems no leaks so far :) mighty powerfull still and seems to get quieter noticable in slow movin traffic has a loverley exhaust note at 70mph is very deep and consistant through the tourqe ranges no more clouds black smoke seems to be a constant grey haze when i kick down and then gone a little in morning when i first kick her to life! :rolleyes: so far fingers crossed no problems just that weird thing blowing back up snorkle and dramatic change in mpg still tryin to figure out but it has defenitly improved the lower end performance the engine seems so free who would guess what the top end speed is im not goin there yet:cool: but i have stopped at 100mph wont push any further :eek: is a bit fast for a 2 tonne vehicle but getting ther is a lot fun and i need my licence cos if wife kicks me back out :( to work i drive heavy trucks for a living i belive over 100mph is a imediate ban or prison sentence :eek:
:) hi not at work at mo been doin the househusband bit for the last 18 months

used to run my own european fridgefreight haulage buisness ownerdriver
worked for variouse firms been on road 16 years 12 years transcontinental
and other mixed haulage

havin a break is nice but im busy have 4 kids and 3 dogs :)
hows about yourself you drive lgv
i would so love to become a freight lorry driver! sounds good fun! what companies you worked for?

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