
Well-Known Member
Something is VERY wrong!!

I went on holiday for almost 3 weeks came back and the next day I went out to the RR put the key in turned the ignition and it started up first time.... can someone please advise me what when wrong?? I have been all over it and cant find any explination for it, im just totaly baffled, is this (I hope) just a one off thing and wont happen again? or (as im suspecting) I will need specialist advice should get in touch with Land Rover directly? as im sure they have never had this issue before or are totally unaware of this problem... I'm just at my wits end and need your help and advice good people
What happened was, while you were away, some low-life stole your beloved RR and left a cunningly disguised Toyota in its place, hoping you wouldn't notice.
Don't know what you think is wrong, mine does that all the time. It is quite normal.
Mine exhibited the same strange behaviour after coming back off holiday - admittedly I have fitted the latest RF receiver. ;-)
I've had exactly the same issue with mine recently,hope someone can get to the bottom of it and let me know :p
I had a similar issue with mine for 6 months. I fixed it after a drive to London and back in a day which seemed to get everything back to normal. Perhaps you just need to stretch her legs to clear the system.
I am returning home, after being away for two months ,next week.I hope I have the same problems as you when I try to start it!:D
I am not surprised Dopey - your P38 is fecking immaculate - a true testament to your time and hard work....
Of course those of us who are more informed know this is down to a failing automatic glitch controller (random failure selection device). Totally impossible to repair, as even Land Rover don't know in what part of the electrical system it is fitted. No new parts have ever been available to correct the problem. Mainly because nobody knows what it looks like. All i know is it was developed in the Lucas skunk works in the late eighties for the MOD, and is still covered by the official secrets act. It was designed to initiate random military equipment fails, and fitted to the P38 by a member of the Green party working under cover at Sollihull, as part of the "Keep the gas guzzlers off the road" campaign.
Of course those of us who are more informed know this is down to a failing automatic glitch controller (random failure selection device). Totally impossible to repair, as even Land Rover don't know in what part of the electrical system it is fitted. No new parts have ever been available to correct the problem. Mainly because nobody knows what it looks like. All i know is it was developed in the Lucas skunk works in the late eighties for the MOD, and is still covered by the official secrets act. It was designed to initiate random military equipment fails, and fitted to the P38 by a member of the Green party working under cover at Sollihull, as part of the "Keep the gas guzzlers off the road" campaign.
:hysterically_laughi ....nice!!!
Of course those of us who are more informed know this is down to a failing automatic glitch controller (random failure selection device). Totally impossible to repair, as even Land Rover don't know in what part of the electrical system it is fitted. No new parts have ever been available to correct the problem. Mainly because nobody knows what it looks like. All i know is it was developed in the Lucas skunk works in the late eighties for the MOD, and is still covered by the official secrets act. It was designed to initiate random military equipment fails, and fitted to the P38 by a member of the Green party working under cover at Sollihull, as part of the "Keep the gas guzzlers off the road" campaign.

I want one how much??
Thing is it has been noticed that it has a flaw, in that regular maintenance prevents it from activating at all in most cases. It has been also noticed that certain main dealers and back street rip off merchants can activate it in order to increase labour charges. It can be activated at will by some tweaked diagnostic devices. Mainly by mechanics who suffer from the "I don't have an effin clue what i'm doing" syndrome.

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