Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Glass updates on Derbyshire area ...
"As at January 2017 Bamford Clough still has a temporary TRO in place by DCC to enable repairs to an electrical cable and related maintenance of the route. I guess the 'Footpath' sign is because the TRO applies to pedestrians as well as other users, for safety reasons."
No idea for how long this is to continue ...

"Current status of Derby Lane as at end January 2017:-
A PINS inspector has proposed that part of the lane should be Restricted Byway, on the basis that he says DCC had incorrectly recorded the right of way on it's List of Streets so the NERC exemption doesn't apply to the Eastern section of the route. DCC have objected to this decision, and there is likely to be a "Hearing" where PINS will further review the evidence.
The PDNPA TRO is currently on hold, pending the outcome of the BOAT claim.
The width restriction by the land owner remains in place, and our formal complaint to DCC regarding the obstruction is still extant. DCC are considering their position, but would evidently like to delay removal of the obstruction until the definitive map status is clear."

"DCC Consult Response reqr'd Jacobs Ladder .... For the record, both GLASS and PDVUG put in formal detailed responses to this consultation. We carried out a full survey of the lane and established that whereas its official minimum width is recorded as 3.0 to 3.5 metres on the Definitive Map, the actual usable width has been allowed to reduce in places due to overgrowth and trees growing in the lane. If the proper width is restored by carrying out maintenance including removal of encroaching vegetation, and the drainage is restored, there should be no problems with all users being able to coexist safely.
We await DCC's report on the consultation, which may take some time."

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