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I would seriously urge as many of you who care about laning to put your views to the council, we are by far the smallest "user group" and of course the bobble hat brigade have far more time to pester the council about getting 4x4's banned from lanes, but, it would be great to get the council to listen to everyone fairly... for once.

I don't hold my breath.

Have your say on proposed traffic ban for two green lanes

People can give their views from today (Thur Sept 20) on whether trail-bikes, quad bikes and 4x4s should be permanently banned from two green lanes in the Peak District National Park.

A six-week public consultation will run until November 2 on proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to exclude motor vehicles from the Long Causeway (a 3.6km route between Sheffield and Hathersage) and the Roych (a 3.5km stretch of the Pennine Bridleway near Chapel-en-le-Frith).

Details may be viewed and comments made at Consultations: Peak District National Park Authority

People may also see the documents at the Peak District National Park Authority HQ, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, DE45 1AE, and send comments to the Rights of Way team at that address.

The Authority is making the proposals due to damage to the areas through which the routes run, and the effect on other users such as walkers, cyclists and horse-riders and on people who live nearby.

Cllr Garry Purdy, vice-chair of the Authority’s audit, resources and performance committee, said: “Both routes are very popular and cross some of the most environmentally-sensitive areas of the national park. These proposals follow a lengthy period of monitoring and attempts to manage vehicle use on the routes.

“We have already sought the views of the highways authorities, parish councils, recreational user groups and environmental groups, the majority of whom favoured permanent bans. The committee has also held site inspections.

“We’re proposing these Traffic Regulation Orders to safeguard what people value most about these areas, but we want to hear everyone’s views and will make a final decision in the light of all the evidence and feedback.”

Both are former packhorse routes. The Long Causeway crosses the spectacular Stanage Edge, following a route between Redmires and Hathersage. The Roych track is part of the Pennine Bridleway, a national trail dedicated principally to horse-riders, but is also used by cyclists and walkers.

These proposals are part of the Authority’s overall strategy for managing green lanes. It has 24 priority routes in the Derbyshire part of the national park, 16 of which have action plans for their future management, which can be seen at Priority routes: Peak District National Park Authority

The Authority is currently spending an extra £100,000 over two years to carry out the action plans, tackle illegal off-roading and improve communication with all green lane users.

Information on recreational vehicle use in the national park can be found at Recreational motor vehicles in the Peak District: Peak District National Park Authority

For any queries, call the rights of way team on 01629 816290.

Media inquiries to John Fern, head of communications, on 01629 816356 or john.fern@peakdistrict.gov.uk
So Ive read what has been made available on PDs site & Id hate to see yet more green lanes in my local area get slapped with a TRO. Is there some kind of template email that can be modified & sent in opposition available somewhere? Bloody sure the sandle & bobble hat brigade have something like that to mobilise the troops & send in numbers as soon as they smell blood in the water
Makes no difference what any of us lot say the bobble had brigade always win out, and its just easier for the local authority to shut the routes - saves them money as they don't have to maintain it, and keeps the complaints down.

I've been greenlaning with friends (I have not yet bought my first LR, but working on it) and they have been sworn at, and in one incident, spat at by some of the bobble hat brigade - even though we had stopped and switched off to let walkers past. They are also guilty as anyone else for leaving litter, leaving gates open, trampling over private land or not sticking to correct routes. Acceptably the damage is much less, but they still do it.

Also, the numbers of idiots who don't stick to the lanes or drive outside of the defined track don't help our cause. My friend had even reported those who he has seen causing deliberate damage in 4x4's to the police and local authority, but they don't care - they would sooner close the road than take actual action.

I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that if they took their head of out their backside and started working with those that enjoy greenlaning for what it is without causing a nuisance, we could provide valuable assistance in maintaining these lanes, and monitoring the impact - heck, I'd have no objection to giving up a weekend to work under their supervision to help repair the lanes.

They would sooner send a suit down there who has no interest than making his life easy, sees a couple of off roaders either making a nuisance or even just on the lane - assume that is the norm, and then go back to pushing pencils.

It would be nice for them to start clamping down on those who abuse the lanes - problem is that in the eye of the bobblehats, we are all abusers.


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