Well-Known Member
Take5 has suggested the 28th at Tong, I'm up fer anywhere in Yarksheer either greenlaning or off roading, spose if there's a ferkin great crowd wantin to come then offroading would be the better bet. Ant nivver bin to Tong But I spose it's pretty central of the ooop noorth area.
Tong outing is actually Sunday 30th, but I'm free for laning on 28th and 29th. Not been laning much around me 'ome town, but i know a few people to ask fer some ideas if needs be. Ooh, I know, warrabout Langdale, aint bin there fer ages (bit pricey though).
Langdales good fer me as well. It depends on numbers of vehicles, if theres only two of us then it'll have to be pay an play if theres three or four then theres that lane that Mondo posted a bit back an a few on the North York Moors.

An who altered the Heading of this fred? Cos I nivver put the "C*U*N*T*S" in there an if I'd have wanted it there I'd have put it there an put the fred in "Anything Goes". So keep yer medlin fingers out of my posts.
Langdales good fer me as well. It depends on numbers of vehicles, if theres only two of us then it'll have to be pay an play if theres three or four then theres that lane that Mondo posted a bit back an a few on the North York Moors.

Aye yer can colour me in fer the 28th -29th Ive bin t Langdale afore so id rather do some lanes, And they dint cost owt, an im skint an me clutch if fooked nearly an iv'e bout a series nearly and, and , erm Yeh !
Aye yer can colour me in fer the 28th -29th Ive bin t Langdale afore so id rather do some lanes, And they dint cost owt, an im skint an me clutch if fooked nearly an iv'e bout a series nearly and, and , erm Yeh !

Anyone want a passenger. I don't weigh much an I promise to av a barf or at least stand outside in a heavy rainfall before we go.
Asked our Myrtle if she's coming an she dunt know yet?!?!?!?!? It depends on the weather?!?!?!?!?!? an if we're green laneing an stopping off at a pub an things then it's more likely she'll be coming than if we go to a pay an play site. So she gets fost dibs but if she int comeing you can come wiv me.
**** I int going anywhere near Grunts rear. I smelt the wind when it's blowing from the direction of his place.
am busy all over xmas visitin folk and werkin so unfortunately i wint be able ter mekit, but come the spring i'll be back in action ;)
Dirty Landy and i will be doing something over that weekend, not sure where yet as he is away at the moment
i wunt mind tagging along but i need's to get me bearings tightend(or replaced) afore i dare do owt..

our lass and the kid's would be along for the drift if i can make it, so sorry pikey mate no spare ass shelfs avalible in mine mate :(
am busy all over xmas visitin folk and werkin so unfortunately i wint be able ter mekit, but come the spring i'll be back in action ;)

Fooking snob now he's bin sociatin wiv those posh suvverners us poor northern folks int good enough fer him anymore :D
i wunt mind tagging along but i need's to get me bearings tightend(or replaced) afore i dare do owt..

our lass and the kid's would be along for the drift if i can make it, so sorry pikey mate no spare ass shelfs avalible in mine mate :(

Some mate you are a proper friend wud tell the missus there's no room fer her.