
New Member
Hi everyone, new here so just getting to grips with the forum.
I have ran my defender non turbo diesel on my home made biodiesel for about 6000 miles with very little trouble (other than a couple of blocked fuel filters)
I was just wondering what other peoples experiences have been with bio, and also whether a 200 or 300 tdi would like the stuff.
Toying with putting it in my e90 beamer, but scared due to common rail technology.
Anyone got any advice as per winter additives to stop fuell jelling, I currently use a dash od petrol or diesel to thin it down.
Hi Blue,
Can;t help with the effects of bio on a turbo but would think it may affect the turbo with excessive carbon in the turbo.
Additives you are using are OK. Before we had additives we used to add about half a gallon of petrol to about 60 gallons of diesel in our lorries and they ran OK in all but the worst freeze. I am not sure but I am pretty certain there is less water in diesel nowadays than there used to be in the 60's.
I live in Austria and out in the agricultural part where I live, all the farmers drive to the local co-operative and tank up tractors, old mercs etc - some newer engines say don't use, but if not they use it - our winters can be harsh - down to minus 20C, and the trackors are used to clear the smaller roads! All I'm saying, it seems to work in Austria, but I wouldn't put it in my tank personally!
And you drive around smelling like a chip shop!
You have chip shops in Austria?:eek::eek:
ohhh, do they do fresh caught cod, boned, battered/fried too..

I`m on my way then..

the veggie oil I`m using dont seem to smoke,
well not much, but chips - yes please..
eco friendly, veggie oil, and you being in that very eco friendly place too....
I run my 19j on it, I buy it ready made from a bloke on ebay for 90p per litre, usually put some normal diesel in it during the colder months to thin it down a bit. Kernowsam when you say you use home made stuff have you got a processor you make the stuff in, if so what do you do with the waste/by products?
IIRC, one of the guys at the biodiesel forum at LRO doesn't recommend it for the 2.5 N/A because of the tolerances of the Lucas fuel pump. 200/300 tdi are fine.
Worth a search.
I've run at least 800 litres of the stuff through my 19j with no problems and I'm about to order another 200 litres, I also stuffed 120 litres of cooking oil in it through the summer thinned down with some diesel.

You get some strange looks standing in the queue at Tescos buying 60 litres of cooking oil and a bunch of bananas:D